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Top 10 + 1 Tips to know if a goldfish is Extremely sick



Top 10 + 1 Tips to know if a goldfish is Extremely sick

Many people who have fish as pets do not usually repair too much in their state of health. They believe that keeping their water clean and feeding them is enough, however, From time to time it is convenient to give them a little more attention. Have you ever wondered how you can know if your goldfish is sick?

If you haven’t done it, don’t worry. Below we will share some information that will help you understand more about the topic and not miss the visit to the veterinarian.

Once the professional confirms if your goldfish is sick or not, you can begin to implement an appropriate treatment strategy.

Before going to the veterinarian, it is necessary that you learn to detect certain signals to prevent other aquarium fish from becoming infected and that the outcome is fatal for everyone in a matter of days.

In order to learn to detect irregularities, it is good that you observe the fish daily to assess how they are, if they have any type of change in their body, if they are eating well or have stopped doing so, if they show any sign of abnormal behavior, etc., and a good time to do so is just before or during feeding .

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1. Pant or breathe quickly on the surface of the water

If one or more of your goldfish are grouped on the surface of the water, swallowing loudly just below the surface. This usually occurs when the water is not oxygenated enough for your goldfish to breathe comfortably, that is, it has poor quality water.

If the water quality does not improve, the stress of not breathing enough oxygen will lower the immune system. This will cause the development of other symptoms of goldfish disease. If you notice gasping on the surface, perform a water quality test immediately.

2. He has stopped eating

If a goldfish is sick, an early symptom to detect is the lack of appetite. Goldfish are naturally voracious creatures and will eat almost anything.

Therefore, if a goldfish refuses to eat it is a warning sign that there is a problem that should be investigated more closely.

3. Nothing erratically or nothing upside down

Erratic swimming is a sign of buoyancy problems. Swimming problems can be caused by many factors. However, among the most common are swim bladder disease, dropsy or the result of overfeeding.

4. Shows apathy or poor activity

Healthy goldfish swim actively and interact with their surroundings. If you have a sick goldfish that never rises from the gravel, something is very wrong and you must take immediate steps to find the underlying cause.

Usually, sick goldfish that are apathetic suffer from poor water quality or infection.

5. It is slow to react to stimuli

A sick goldfish often has trouble reacting to stimuli or disturbances in its environment. If, for example, the fish does not seem to notice the food until it hits its nose, it is possible that it is sick.

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Look for other symptoms of the disease, test the water quality and make an immediate water change if necessary.

6. Rub against aquarium glass and other surfaces

The discomfort of infection by parasites or fungi can induce this behavior. Something is making your goldfish feel itchy.

See if your fish looks dotted. White spots are a sign of white spot disease, caused by a parasite known as Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. It also affects the gills and produces irregular breathing.

Goldfish with whitish fin.

7. Keeps your fins attached or folded

Maybe your goldfish constantly holds its fins near its body or is lethargic and doesn’t move much. It could be parasites or just a case of poor water quality.

You should keep in mind that there are some diseases that can make your fish act this way. Your job is to look for other symptoms of the disease.

8. Show your fins broken or frayed

This is often a sign of stress, especially if you notice small red veins that branch into the fins. Simply changing the water and separating your goldfish from more aggressive fish can quickly solve this problem.

If you find that the fins are beginning to deteriorate into a stump, you must act immediately. Your goldfish may experience rot in the fin or tail, which is caused by bacteria, and may attract fungal infections..

9. Spongy patches, discolored spots or raised bumps

Do you notice a slight fluff in some areas that should not be there? If your goldfish has discolored spots on the body or fins, it is likely that it is suffering from fungal or bacterial infections. Separate the goldfish from others immediately and perform some water tests.

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If the discolored patches actually look like small white spots of salt, your goldfish suffers from white spot disease. This disease is quite contagious.

If black spots are seen, your sick goldfish has an ammonia burn or a parasitic infection, although this parasite is very rare in aquariums.

If it is swollen, it has high scales or it looks like a pineapple can have dropsy, often caused by bacterial infections and sometimes incurable.

10. Remarkable lumps or parasites with the naked eye

External parasites are usually visible on the body or fins, and many will cause ulcers and lumps along the scales. These parasites include white spot disease, anchor worms, fish lice and trematodes..

There are many ways to get rid of parasites, from medications to salt baths.

Sick goldfish with bumps on the scales.

11. Bulging eyes

If one or both eyes of your goldfish are abnormally large it could be an early symptom of illness.

In short, by recognizing early if your goldfish is sick, you can prevent infections from getting worse, spreading and taking over the aquarium. Do not forget that by taking immediate measures to treat the disease, your sick goldfish has a better chance of surviving the infection.

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