Author Archives: dathoang

Cat Dreams – Reasons | Interpretation | Mysticism

Scientists have long proved that the dreams that we see during a night’s rest are nothing but the games of the subconscious. However, people continue to believe their secret meanings, which interpretation will help dream books. Often in dreams, our pets come to us – cats and cats. In various interpretations of dreams, interpretations of […]

Cat Bits – Why is it dangerous | Reasons | Behavior | What to do

what is dangerous, reasons, behavior, what to do? – Even furry creatures like cats can bite often and painfully. Cat bites can be dangerous if you do not take care of them properly. Cats have sharp teeth that make deep punctures, and there are many bacteria in the cat’s mouth that can potentially cause infection. […]

Cat at Door Steps – What to do | Reasons | Superstition

Some people sometimes encounter this situation: someone else’s cat comes to the doorstep of their house. There are quite objective reasons that the animal came to a strange house. However, there are also signs that explain the significance of this behavior of a furry animal. So what does a cat really mean when it arrives […]