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Why dogs scratch themselves: causes, what to do and natural remedies

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Why dogs scratch themselves: causes, what to do and natural remedies

Why dogs scratch themselves: causes, what to do and natural remedies – If the dog scratches from time to time there is no need to worry, but watch out for when it becomes a frequent behavior.

The dog scratches itself and you don’t know why? Well, you need to know in the meantime that the dog itch is one of the many issues related to the dog world that risk being taken lightly by both newbies and more experienced owners. Let’s say that for the dog scratching can absolutely be a common practice, but this phenomenon must be carefully monitored to prevent it from degenerating.

A bit like for human beings, itching can be a “small thing” or it can be the sign and the beginning of something more serious. Obviously we must also take into account the tolerance threshold of the single animal / individual, which could deceive us.

the dog scratches itself

The dog scratches itself: causes

What can be the main and most frequent causes of itching in dogs? What leads our four-legged friend to scratch, perhaps even compulsively? In general we can make a first macro-subdivision into causes related to allergological diseases (food or seasonal) and parasitic causes.

In this article we will try to give an overview of this phenomenon, understanding how to prevent and treat the excessive scratching of our dear furry quadruped. For example, it is necessary to try to understand if it is an extemporaneous or chronic disorder, so as to act adequately, if necessary by consulting with your trusted veterinarian. For example, some ailments are strictly related to certain periods of the year, in short, to the seasons: see for example pollen in spring or mosquitoes in summer.

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This kind of itching can lead to the so-called dermatitis: a more acute and prolonged form that risks not giving your dog peace. If the latter continues to scratch persistently, do not hesitate to take him to the clinic. Another fundamental chapter in this discussion of the canine itching is the one related to fleas.

It may not have occurred to you, yet it is still a very widespread cause. No dog is exempt from being able to peck these annoying parasites, not even the most candid and clean.

The dog scratches itself: remedies

What can be considered i remedies to this thorny question? There are both natural and pharmaceutical ones, depending on the case and the severity. In short, what to do in these cases? Don’t be alarmed and take a look at these tips. First of all, a healthy or at least healthier diet: a (re) balanced diet, perhaps followed by a real nutritionist, can restore our friend’s “Ph”, both at the epidermal and at the emotional level.

the dog scratches itself

A remedy if we want a less orthodox and more “creative” is that of music therapy, which could alleviate the stress of the dog and with it also the urge to scratch. Let’s now present some specific cases, keeping in mind all the info listed so far:

  • The dog scratches his ear: itching in the ears is by far one of the most common in the dog world. In fact, it is linked to specific pathologies such as otoacariasis, linked to an invisible parasite that sneakily lurks especially among puppies (not only of dogs but also of cats).
  • The dog scratches its muzzle: another rather widespread itch, a fact that is not surprising if we think that for dogs the sense of smell has a much greater importance than it does for us human beings. So our four-legged friend uses his nose a lot, to capture and interpret the smells that pass through it. Obviously he will happen to rub his face a little everywhere, increasing the risk of coming into contact with substances that can cause irritation and therefore itching. In some cases it can all be traced back to allergies: pollen, dust mites, contact with some material present, for example, in objects with which it finds itself in close contact (see the bowls in which it eats).
  • The dog scratches itself under the belly: also in this case there can be many causes and remedies. It could be a food intolerance that leads him to always touch himself at the stomach or it could be something related to contact: since the dog lies down and rubs a little everywhere he could scratch himself due to rubbing with grass or the like. .
  • The dog scratches and bites: it can happen that a simple itch degenerates into something unbearable for the dog. In some cases, in fact, the animal does not just scratch itself but even bites itself. In these cases, real hormonal and / or emotional imbalances can also occur (anxiety and nervousness in general, but more rarely also boredom). In this case, scratching and the consequent biting risk becoming an almost compulsive activity for the animal.
  • The dog is always scratching and shedding fur: Sometimes the dog scratching for an extended period of time leads to hair loss. In this case the situation begins to get complicated and serious. There is also a medical-technical term to describe the thinning of the hair: alopecia. In this sense, which are the most affected areas? Abdomen, hips, armpits, neck and groin.
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Immediately following this overview, a series of general observations can be made regarding dog itching and how to behave in front of a scratching dog. On the one hand, we must pay attention to where our dog spends his days, to his habitat, let’s say, which must always be clean and healthy.

On the other hand, the importance of a diet that is as healthy and balanced as possible is universally recognized, which also favors the health of our animal’s skin and coat. Both for feeding and for cleaning, you would do well to use only certified and quality products, to avoid putting the dog in contact with potentially harmful substances or even not up to standard.

For the rest, monitor that it is not a simple “flash in the pan” for which it is not worth alarming the veterinarian or if it is better to rush to a medical opinion.

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