Author Archives: dathoang

13 inventions that prove our good will towards animals

Man has taken over the planet and continues to concretize it with the help of cities, highways, and buildings, increasingly reducing the living space of animals. To remedy this, or at least to facilitate cohabitation between the two species, certain associations have set to work, producing constructions which for once benefit the animals. It is a […]

Top 11 Original Gifts for Pets!

Whether for Christmas or for his birthday, our pet deserves a very special detail. But what kind of detail or fun gift can we make without it being the usual gift? Who has a pet will know that both we and they like to experience new things. Give him something useful or something you think he might […]

10 designer dog furniture that would make yours happy too! (photo)

Usually, dog furniture has nothing glamorous or decorative about it. In the United States, yes! In the land of excess and unconditional love for animals, some owners have even dedicated entire rooms for their companions. Here is an American Tour of the most spectacular dog furniture! 1. A small bedroom under the stairs A great […]

10 adorable puppies That a Police or Solider Would Lose Their Jobs To keep

Police dogs, military dogs, guide dogs or therapy dogs, these adorable puppies are not only cute and loyal, they are also highly intelligent and fairly easy to raise. That’s why we can count on them in the most critical moments. The nose of service dogs is 50 times more sensitive than that of humans. These olfactory abilities […]