Author Archives: dathoang

A man manages to capture a beautiful tiger who walks in the forest with his 5 cubs

It is true that sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. He definitely thought so Parveen Kaswan when he took and admired a photo that quickly traveled around the world, showing how sweet and fascinating it can be wonderful and powerful the nature of our planet. The man, who works for the Indian Forest Service and is a […]

A lost cat is found right next to the flyer announcing its disappearance

“There is no pretense of sympathy in the cat. It lives alone, absorbed, sublime in its wise passivity …” – is the way in which Andrew Lang, famous Scottish writer, described the total absence of sympathy in these beautiful pets. That cats are not considered to be the cutest animals in the world was a well-known fact; […]

All about the Amazonian Titanus giganteus

When the beetle Titanus giganteus reach adulthood It can measure 6.5 inches (16.7 cm) long, hence its name, which means “giant titan.” This insect has incredibly strong jaws that can break wooden pencils in half. Fortunately, they are quite harmless to humans. It belongs to the beetles, a very varied family According to Professor Joseph V. McHugh (University of […]

All About The Abyssinian Cat

The Abyssinian cat is one of the most feline breeds ancient which is original Ethiopia, also called Abyssinia. The origin of the Abyssinian is controversial. In fact, the Abyssinian is very similar to the cats depicted in Ancient Egypt. In any case, its morphology is typical of Asian breeds with an elongated muzzle and almond-shaped eyes. That’s why the […]

Albino Red-Eyed Hamsters – How To Properly Care and Reason For Eye Color

The white albino hamster, which has eyes of a red or pinkish hue, causes mixed and conflicting feelings in people. But, despite the exotic and even frightening appearance, the hamster with red eyes, except for the appearance is almost no different from other brethren. Albinos hamsters: a separate breed or not? The opinion that hamsters […]

Airedale: the king of terriers

The Airale Terrier it’s a British breed originally from the Airale region in Yorkshire. The breed was selected by the Aire fishermen, crossing Otterhound with the now extinct Black and Tan Terriers and entered the book of standard breeds in 1886. The Airale Terrier was used for the hunting especially the otter, as the terrier swims easily even in cold climatic […]

Top 10 Aggressive cat breeds – History| Interesting Facts| Least To Most

Have a look at these aggressive cat breeds. Each has its own history, interesting facts, appearance and features that make them unique. Most domestic cats, unlike their wild relatives, are quite cute, affectionate and fluffy. However, there are breeds that are famous not only for their independence and stubbornness, but also for excessive aggression. What […]

A Finnish association sprays reflective spray on reindeer horns to avoid traffic accidents

In Scandinavian countries it is a real problem that afflicts animals and motorists. We are talking aboutcrossing of reindeer, elk and other large wild animals which, suddenly and often, can be in front of cars in the middle of the road and cause collisions, road exits and accidents. From these unpleasant episodes, the famous “moose test“, […]