Author Archives: dathoang

Babirusa Facts – Hunting, Description, Appearance and Behavior

Check out these fascinating Babirusa Facts – Babirussa is an amazing tropical pig with incredible curved tusks. She looks like a cross between a pig and a deer. And that is what its name means. In Indonesian: “babi” – “pig” and “rusa” – “deer”. Deer-like “horns” of an animal are not horns at all, but […]

A woman captures a thirsty koala while she licks the raindrops from the asphalt of the street

As the fires break out in Australia, the rain has finally come to give some relief to the inhabitants of the continent and to the hundreds of thousands of endangered animal species that have lost and are gradually losing their natural habitat. The arrival of the rain has fortunately brought with it positivity, and certainly […]

A whale interrupted this couple’s nuptial promise just before he uttered the fateful

You know what it means to do photobombing? This is a totally ironic and deliberate practice, so you sneak in without being noticed within the lens of other people’s photographs in which the background does not provide for the presence of … uninvited guests! Many stars and ordinary people do it continuously, giving that extra touch […]

Australian Kelpie: Origin | Facts | Heights | Size | Weight

Australian Kelpie (Australian Shepherd Dog): a tough, brave, devoted and very intelligent dog -Origin | Facts | Heights | Size | Weight.  The Australian Kelpie (Australian Shepherd Dog) it could easily adapt to all sorts of flocks, but it is mainly used with merino sheep, producers of fine wool. Taking care of livestock is therefore the […]

Atopic dermatitis in dogs

Atopic dermatitis in dogs is a skin disease that consists of swelling and irritation, usually caused by an allergen. It is a multifactorial pathology and, currently, there is no pharmacological cure. Today,Canine atopic dermatitis is the main skin problem presented by dogs that visit veterinary clinics. However, even the causes are not yet well defined. […]

Ascaridae infection in dogs: causes, symptoms and treatment

Roundworms are the most common canine internal parasites. Adult roundworms spend most of their life in the stomach and small intestine. Females lay hundreds of thousands of eggs per day, which are excreted in the stool and survive in the environment for years. The dog contracts the infection when he ingests the eggs of this […]