Dog’s Urinary Tract – Dangerous Symptoms and Related Diseases

The dog’s urinary tract is subject to a series of problems: let’s see what are the most alarming symptoms and possible related pathologies.

urinary tract dog
Symptoms of the dog’s urinary tract (Photo Unsplash)

When you think of dog urinary tract problems you immediately imagine an infection: this condition, particularly painful for Fido and potentially dangerous for his health, often accompanied by “classic” symptoms such as blood in the urine and painful urination.

Some symptoms usually related to dog urinary tract infections in reality they are also typical of other much more serious pathologies: this is why it is essential to have the dog checked by the veterinarian as soon as possible, to obtain an early diagnosis and start the appropriate treatments as soon as possible.

Symptoms and pathologies of the dog’s urinary tract: everything you need to know

wet nose of the dog
Dog urinary tract infections and other diseases (Photo Pixabay)

Usually, the symptoms of the dog’s urinary tract are related to a bacterial infection: probably, it is the most common infectious disease among dogs around the world. According to some statistics, about 14% of dogs are affected at least once in their life by a bacterial infection of the urinary tract: a decidedly high percentage, so it is essential to know how to recognize it and what to do about it.

Most canine urinary tract infections occur when the normal bacterial flora in the dog’s gastrointestinal tract overcomes the defenses of the urinary tract: bacteria colonize the area, causing infection. Usually, the problem is caused by bacteria, but some fungi can also lead to infections.

Dogs are more predisposed to contracting an urinary tract infection than male dogs, moreover the onset of these infections is related to the presence of other pathologies, such as kidney disease or Cushing’s disease in dogs.

Symptoms of urinary tract infection in dogs

Some of the symptoms usually related to infections urinary tract canines are potential alarm bells also for diseases more serious. Among the signs to watch out for, we mention:

  • – traces of blood in the dog’s urine,
  • – the dog’s pee is dark and cloudy,
  • – the dog strains and complains while urinating,
  • – sometimes Fido does the housework,
  • – the dog needs to go out more often,
  • – Fido persistently licks the genital area,
  • – the dog has a fever.

To diagnose with certainty the presence of a urinary tract infection, the veterinarian submits the dog to a urine analysis. If not properly treated, this infection can worsen causing more serious problems such as: kidney stones or bladder, urinary tract dysfunction, prostate inflammation, infertility, kidney failure in the dog.

Other pathologies with urinary tract symptoms in dogs

sad little dog snack
Urinary tract diseases in dogs (Photo Pexels)

There are a number of possible pathologies that can be mistaken for urinary tract infections because they exhibit the same symptoms. Here because these symptoms should be checked immediately by the vet: they could hide something much more serious and dangerous for the health and even the survival of our four-legged friend.

Blood in the urine

It is probably the most alarming symptom, which can be a sign of poisoning in the dog, rather than kidney disease, stones, trauma with internal injuries or a tumor. The most useful thing to do is to find out if the dog also suffers from others canine anemia symptoms, such as pale gums or dark stools, to be able to communicate it to the vet.

Difficulty urinating

The difficulty or inability to urinate is a veterinary emergency and must be treated as such, because it can lead to rupture of the bladder or even turn into a lethal problem for the dog. If you notice this symptom, call the vet immediately: it could be a sign of urinary tract infections, but also of internal injuries, cancer, prostate disease or spinal cord injury.

Changes in urination habits

If we notice that the dog pees more often or, on the contrary, more rarely or if the color of the dog’s urine changes to become darker or lighter, one must be very careful and immediately report any changes to the veterinarian.
In fact, these situations they may be related to serious medical conditions such as diabetes or hypothyroidism in dogs, but also Cushing’s disease, tumors, trauma and infections.

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