Category Archives: Pets

A whale interrupted this couple’s nuptial promise just before he uttered the fateful

You know what it means to do photobombing? This is a totally ironic and deliberate practice, so you sneak in without being noticed within the lens of other people’s photographs in which the background does not provide for the presence of … uninvited guests! Many stars and ordinary people do it continuously, giving that extra touch […]

Animals considered extinct: species | History | Features

The nature is amazing, new species of animals, fish, insects constantly appear on the planet, but at the same time others disappear. Typically, such species are considered to have disappeared without a trace, but there are times when, after dozens, or even hundreds of years, representatives of the species are found in completely unexpected places. […]

A man manages to capture a beautiful tiger who walks in the forest with his 5 cubs

It is true that sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. He definitely thought so Parveen Kaswan when he took and admired a photo that quickly traveled around the world, showing how sweet and fascinating it can be wonderful and powerful the nature of our planet. The man, who works for the Indian Forest Service and is a […]

A lost cat is found right next to the flyer announcing its disappearance

“There is no pretense of sympathy in the cat. It lives alone, absorbed, sublime in its wise passivity …” – is the way in which Andrew Lang, famous Scottish writer, described the total absence of sympathy in these beautiful pets. That cats are not considered to be the cutest animals in the world was a well-known fact; […]