Author Archives: dathoang

Flying with your pet

You are going to fly with your pet and you are wondering, this is normal. Such a trip can be stressful both for you and for your dog or cat. Administrative formalities, airline regulations, stress during the flight, here are our tips… First of all, your dog or cat must be identified by microchip. The […]

Flatfish and their special characteristics

Flatfish, belonging to the Pleuronectiformes family, live lying on the sandy bottoms of all the seas in the world. To this group belong numerous edible species, such as the rooster or sole. Do flatfish have any differentiating characteristics with other species? When they leave the egg, flatfish look the same as typical fish, which is known […]

Fish Yawning – here’s how and why it does it

Fish yawning: Science has stated that fish also yawn. But why do they do it? Are they tired of their habitat? Let’s find out together. If you have a fish you have at least once in your life, noticed your aquatic animal with the mouth wide open. You also wondered about themselves yawning? Very likely, since i fish yawn even if they […]

Feline Plague – Symptoms of the Disease and Methods of Treatment

Feline Plague ( Panleukopenia or plague ) – Plague is a viral disease that has a severe form of leaking, not infrequently fatal. Plague is transmitted through contact with a sick animal or through contacting objects. Little kittens and young cats, as well as sick representatives, are more prone to disease. It is worth checking […]