Each dog owner is sure that his four-legged friend is the most wonderful in the world, unique and unique. But there are dogs that look so incredible or so good in what they do that they found a place on the pages of the famous Guinness Book of Records.
Biggest Dog – Guinness Book of Records
When it comes to dog growth, which is measured by the height at the withers, the representatives of two breeds always claim the title of the largest dog: the Irish Wolfhound and the Great Dane. And although the average wolfhound is several centimeters higher than the average mastiff, the German “gentle giants” beat the record over and over again.
Great Dane named Zeus

The tallest dog in history is the Great Dane named Zeus, who lived in the US state of Michigan. The handsome dog reached a record high of 111.8 cm, to imagine this more clearly, you should imagine about five Yorkshire terriers standing in a pyramid on top of each other.
Great Dane, nicknamed Freddy

Of the living dogs, the world record also belongs to the Great Dane, nicknamed Freddy and also living in America. This puppy, the weakest in his litter, reached a height of 103.5 cm by the age of three years. While the dog was growing up, along with his sister Fleur, he gnawed 26 sofas. Now Freddy is already an “adult boy” and does not allow himself such pampering, but is content with a daily portion of food, which includes, in addition to cereals and vegetables, 1 kg of ground beef, 250 g of veal steak and 300 g of liver.

But, if you take the record for the longest dog, then the Irish wolfhounds managed to “recoup.” Since 2006, it was the representatives of this breed that occupy an honorable first place. The last one was a dog named Farrell, its length was 237 cm. However, not everything went smoothly here either – the unbroken world record belongs to the English mastiffs. Aikama Zorba, who lived in the UK, was 254.4 cm long. The same dog also owns the world dog record for weight – 155.6 kg.
I must say that the search for the hardest dog in the world has not been conducted for several decades, since overweight is not good for anyone. Nevertheless, it is known that the most massive males of St. Bernards and English mastiffs, according to standards, dogs can make the arrow on the scales crawl up to 90 kg.
Smallest Dog – Guinness Book of Records

The breed whose standards imply the smallest dogs in the world is the Chihuahua. It is these crumbs that the world record belongs to – a dog named Millie was only 9.65 cm high, that is, she could easily hide behind a can of soda. The shortest dog is also a chihuahua. The dog named Brandy was no longer than a dollar bill, or rather, from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail in it was 15.2 cm.

It’s not easy to be just tiny, but it’s even more difficult to become a real service dog if you are no bigger than a child’s toy. Small stature – 28 cm in height and 58 cm in length – did not prevent a dog named Midge to go to serve in the police. Moshka – a cross between a chihuahua and a rat terrier – serves in Detachment K9 in Ohio. Most often, she searches for traces of drugs in schools, but sometimes she goes to the service and to the district prison.
Dogs With The Most body Parts – Guinness Book of Records
Bloodhound nicknamed Tiger

There are records in the Guinness Book of Records about dogs that had such parts of the body that they became a landmark. So the longest ears in the world were the dog of the breed Bloodhound nicknamed Tiger. According to measurements, the length of his right ear was 34.9 cm, and the left ear was 34.2 cm.
Irish Wolfhound named Keon

The longest tail in the world is the Irish Wolfhound named Keon. Greeting the owners, Keon waved his tail at a length of 76.8 cm. The title dog “stole” from his co-descendant, a wolfhound named Wagger, bypassing him as much as 4.5 cm.
Saint Bernard Moti

Charming Saint Bernard Moti can lick the owner of the world’s largest language. The owners took this dog from the shelter when he was 2 years old and no one had ever seen him as a future champion. Moti’s tongue reaches 18.5 cm. But the absolute record is twice as much! He was put in 2002 by boxer Brandy and amounted to 43 cm.
The most talented dogs – Guinness Book of Records
Leonberger Hagrid

It’s just that this is, of course, an achievement, but it’s even more honorable to become one. So the Beagle Purin has for many years held the world record for the number of balls caught by the front paws in one second. The four-legged “goalkeeper” is able to catch as many as 14 balls during this time. But Leonberger Hagrid is able to catch 13 objects in half the time.
True, his behavior can be called unsportsmanlike, since he trains on dog sausages. Augie’s golden retriever catches tennis balls. He holds a record for the number of balls simultaneously caught by the mouth – there were five of them.
Pomeranian Spitz Jiff

The glory of the fastest dog, passing a distance of 10 meters on its hind legs, and 5 meters on its front legs, for a long time belonged to Pomeranian Spitz Jiff. A talented dog ran through the top ten in 6.56 seconds, and the top five in 7.76 seconds. Jiff was and remains a favorite of the public, but one of his records has already been shattered. A tiny mix of Toy Spaniel, Jack Russell Terrier and Chihuahua runs on its front legs five meters in 2.39 seconds.
The owner of the dog explains the incredible ability of the pet by the fact that Konjo (that’s the name of the baby) grew up in a two-story house and ran up and down the stairs daily, learning to transfer weight to the front legs.
French Shepherd Norman is a dog racer

But the French Shepherd Norman is a dog racer. The dog broke the world record for high-speed scooter riding, having covered a distance of 30 m in 20.77 seconds. And this handsome man knows how to ride a bicycle!