Best cat bed 2020: Buying guide – Having a kennel for cats is essential for their well-being. As you know, cats sleep many hours a day. You will also know who loves to have their own space to feel protected and safe and to rest before one of their adventures. Even if they share the sofa or other space in the house with you, a kennel will make them comfortable and make them particularly happy.
This guide will show you the variety of cat kennels the market has to offer to help you in your choice. It will also help you understand many of your feline’s behaviors. We will answer common questions regarding coexistence with a cat and its resting habits. Don’t miss it, it will be very useful.
The most important things in a nutshell
- Cats need a quiet place to rest. A kennel is perfect, because its hair will end up there. But it is better to always place it in a place that he attends, so that he uses it and likes it.
- There are kennels suitable for all types of cats; from suspicious or insecure animals who want a sheltered corner, to those who like to go out and stay outside and need a dog bed that resists humidity.
- If your cat wants to sleep outside it is normal; for this there are specific kennels. If he wants to be with you or sleep in your bed, there must be a place that respects his space and yours.
The best cat kennels on the market: our selection
In this section you will see a list of the five most popular cat kennels on the market. In addition, we have summarized and highlighted their main characteristics to simplify the deepening of each product. This way, you will be able to choose the best kennel for your cat.
Elegant bunk for cats and small dogs, created with resistant materials, well finished and with a comfortable removable and washable cushion inside. The kennel is delivered vacuum-packed, but as soon as it opens and is taken out of the package, it resumes its soft shape. The dimensions are 45 x 40 x 35 cm and it is available in 3 colors.
Buyers call it a soft, well-finished kennel and are satisfied with the quality
of the materials used. It is also suitable for larger cats, who almost always seem to appreciate it and sometimes compete to enter it! Particularly enhanced the comfort and warmth offered by the product.
Original kennel with a house-shaped design (dimensions 55x40x42cm) that offers our four-legged friends a soft space for relaxation. The velvety cushion inside is removable for hand washing. It is available in two variants, coffee-colored and red, which adapt perfectly to any home environment.
Buyers appreciate the cute modern house-shaped design and the soft padding inside. Cats also seem particularly attracted to this kennel, especially for its soft cushion. The roof can be removed and the value for money is one of the best on Amazon.
PiuPet has created a doghouse with a design that fits perfectly with some Ikea furniture, so common in our homes. The square shape with size 33x33x37 cm and diameter 17.5 cm particularly attracts cats, who use it both for sleeping and for playing. It is made with gray felt that protects furniture and is pleasant to see.
For the moment, there are only positive opinions on Amazon. Lightness, elegance, the ability to adapt to furniture such as Ikea Kallax or Expedit, the quality of the materials used and the modern cubist look are enhanced by the buyers. It seems to be a kennel much loved and contested by cats, who love it knows immediately.
Functional and comfortable kennel for cats (and small dogs) suede and stuffed with cotton. The side wall offers a padding that supports the head, neck and back of our domestic friend well. The removable internal cushion is extremely warm, comfortable and easy to clean.
Many reviews consider it to be one of the best kennels ever. The workmanship is excellent, it is soft and cats love it. Even with the passage of time it seems not to lose its softness. The Pecute brand is particularly appreciated and even this kennel does not disappoint.
Available in 3 different designs and sizes (the L is exaggerated for cats), this kennel with an original design is elegant and can also be stretched out and used as a normal padded bed. The medium size instead is in the shape of a house and can be used for both cats and dogs. Both solutions are soft and comfortable.
Shoppers call it beautiful, warm and soft, as well as comfortable. Cats seem to appreciate both options, although perhaps the house design is preferred, especially for the space it offers. It is practical even if the clear triangle version gets dirty easily.
Buying Guide: Everything you need to know about cat kennels
Before buying a cat bed you should know some aspects of these pets. In this way, you can better choose the product that suits your four-legged friend. Below we have included the most important information about cat kennels and we have answered the most frequent doubts about it.

Cats make your moments of loneliness less cold.
(Source: Sergey Labutin: 50577969 /
Why does my cat spend so many hours in his kennel?
Although often behave like rapid predators, cats spend many hours resting. They sleep for about 70% of the day and it is good to understand that they have different sleep cycles than humans. Older puppies and cats sleep even more. So don’t be alarmed if you notice that your cat spends many hours in his kennel.
You have to think that even if he is a domestic cat, in his game routines he usually makes movements that can tire him a lot, so he needs to recover. Furthermore, to maintain good health, he must sleep in the hours when his body requires it.
Usually, the cat uses the same place where he sleeps to rest, so he will spend a lot of time in his kennel.
Why does my cat need his kennel?
Even if your cat spends hours on the sofa or on your bed, having his kennel is very important. The animal has its space there, which gives off its smell and this is something it loves. In addition, there are kennels created according to the needs of each animal; so if you have a wary cat, you can take a blanket out of it so it will feel safer.
Furthermore, these animals, although they sleep a lot, also exercise a lot during their hours of play. Therefore, you will need a well-padded surface on which your whole body can relax. It is also good to offer them a material that adapts to weather conditions. It will be necessary for its comfort
Remember that cats are animals that love cleaning and need an always clean kennel.
Why is it good for me that my cat has his own kennel?
The fact that your cat has his kennel will bring you many benefits. It will leave less hair in your spaces, because they will be concentrated in its kennel. If you have allergies, a kennel for your cat limits the damage, since the allergenic agent that it releases from its skin will be less present, remaining more in its kennel. Since they are easy to clean, you will also have this possibility to limit hair and similar.
Your cat will probably also want to use the kennel to play at times. So if you choose the right one, you will also have a new game for his adventures. Try to reflect on your cat’s character, before choosing a kennel, you will see that the advantages for you and him will be greater.
If he sleeps with you, he ensures you have your own space, disturbing you less during the night.
Why does my cat sometimes sleep under his bed?
Being predators, cats need places where they feel sheltered while sleeping, as if they were in a den. In addition, they must also be warm. A warm and safe place is very comfortable and therefore it is sometimes possible to find it under the kennel and not above it.
For this reason, cat kennels with a sort of top cover have become fashionable. Some even put a blanket on the kennel. In this way, your cat can take shelter with it, staying warm in his kennel.
The exterior of a cat bed can be made of cotton, felt, foam rubber, wool, leather, latex, plastic or wicker.
Why doesn’t my cat like his kennel?
It is possible that your pet repels its kennel and continues to use the places where it used to rest before having it. This happens for several reasons: it is possible that you placed it in a place in the house that it does not like. Or it may be that the material with which it is manufactured or filled is not to his liking, to the touch or smell.
Also, remember that cats are very clean and your pet will need an always perfect kennel. The vast majority of kennels can be machine washed. Sometimes, when he pulls out of the washing machine, he may not like the fact that his kennel no longer smells. So, put some of his toys in that area. Keep in mind his habits to choose a doghouse he likes. Lewis CarrollEnglish writer.
“It is a somewhat inappropriate habit of kittens (as Alice once remarked) that, whatever you say to them, they always purr.”
At what time of the day will my cat use its kennel the most?
Cats are most active when the sun rises and when night falls. Therefore, at times when you are most likely to be in “sleep mode”, your cat will want to eat, play and jump. Similarly, in the hours when you are busy, your cat will use its kennel to sleep.
Even if your pet lives in a house full of food, his instinct will lead him to be more awake at night, which would be the time when he should hunt thanks to his ability to see in the dark. In addition, cats love to take advantage of the sun’s rays to lie down and warm up a bit.
Can I place my cat’s kennel in the garden?
Yes, you can do it. Especially during the hours of the day when your pet can enjoy the sun outdoors. But experts recommend that the animal sleep indoors at night to protect itself from the cold. If you prefer it to stay out or notice that your cat prefers to stay away from home, be sure to keep it protected and safe.
There are waterproof and well-protected kennels that can be used specifically so that the cat never cools down even if it stays in the garden. As always, watch his behavior and desires to make him as happy as possible. There are cats that prefer to stay indoors even if they have a garden.
Cats are most active at dawn and when night falls.
What is the best place in the house to place my cat’s kennel?
You will have to choose the place based on the size of the kennel and the space it will occupy. In addition, it is also good to keep in mind which part of the house your cat frequents more and where he prefers to lie down more.
You can also place various kennels in different places to protect chairs and sofas, since cats usually change their position according to the time.
It should be remembered that cats are difficult to control. They set their own rules and maintain their habits, so it’s best to consider their favorite places to place the doghouse. If you don’t, it is possible that you ignore the kennel and continue to frequent the areas of the house where he likes to sleep.
Can I make my cat sleep on my bed?
Your cat can sleep with you if you wish and if he sees that he is comfortable. This is a common practice and many people place their cat’s kennel above their bed, so that the animal has its own space. In this way you will always be together, but each with its own space.
Cats are very routine. As children they will love to sleep near your face. Once they grow up, they will position themselves at your feet. Many people love to sleep near their cats. Although he may wake you up several times during the night, getting up or asking for early morning food.
Cats are habitual animals.
What are the advantages of having my cat near you?
Some studies claim that stroking animals relieves stress and increases oxytocin production. Others say that people who have a cat at home have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Cats are animals that offer a very pleasant company, helping you not to feel loneliness.
For some people, a cat’s purring is very relaxing and helps them sleep, especially since they usually become more cuddly at night when they have their owner close by. The cats love to receive the warmth of your body and share a few moments with you. Some experts say this strengthens the bonds of affection.
“Cats pay more attention to women than to men because they understand better when spoken to in a high-pitched voice.”
What are the cases where my cat and I shouldn’t share the bed?
If you are allergic to cats or suffer from asthma it is better to sleep in separate places. Also, if you share a bed with your little boy, it is better to find another place for your cat because he may want to sleep too close to the baby. Also, if you are a light sleeper, keep in mind that the cat can often wake you up at night.
It must be said that most pets can spread some diseases. As for cats, they are isolated cases, but it can happen that the so-called cat scratch disease, Chagas disease or toxoplasmosis attacks its owner.
What if I’m allergic?
Feline skin has a protein called Fel d1 which creates allergy in some people. In that case, you can live with your cat, but following some precautions. It is recommended to brush the animal often, remove the carpets, clean the house well and avoid sleeping together. This last part is tough for many people.
At the same time, it is advisable to know which mattresses, quilts, sheets and upholstery attract allergens. Therefore, it is best to avoid sharing them. In this case, a specific kennel for your cat will be a great ally, since, if it has its own kennel, it will not lie on the surfaces it can share with you.
For some people, a cat’s purr is very relaxing.
Can I teach my cat to sleep where I want?
Cats are known for setting their own rules instead of sticking to others. But you can educate them to do certain things. It is also true that teaching should start from the first moment he enters your home, because once he gets used to something, it will be difficult to change his habit.
In addition, you can educate him, but respecting his tastes. If he likes to lie on the sofa, do not leave his dog bed elsewhere in the house. Place it on the sofa, near it or on an elevated surface. You can also leave some beans in his dog’s bed or in the place where you want him to sleep, or a garment that has your smell so as not to miss him.
Purchase criteria
Cat kennels are really necessary for your pet who loves having his own space to reconcile sleep. At the time of purchase, you should analyze what is right for you and, above all, what your cat might like based on his character. To help you choose the best dog bed, we recommend that you keep in mind several aspects:
- dimensions
- External materials
- Padding materials
- Design
- Dog beds according to the place he attends
Making your cat comfortable in his kennel or in his pad is essential to guarantee him a quality rest. Many kennels are closed to give the pet a sense of security, so it is essential that it is comfortable. The kennel should also be purchased based on the length and weight of the animal that will use it.
There are many one-size kennels, so you need to make sure it fits in perfectly. Most are suitable for medium-sized cats, which are the most common. If you have a very long or overweight pet, you should pay more attention to the characteristics of the product you want to buy, especially if it is a closed doghouse.
There are various cat kennels offered on the market.
External materials
The outside of the kennel will be the one that will offer a more or less pleasant touch sensation to your feline when he needs to know it. It will also serve to protect it depending on where it is located. The exterior of a cat bed can be made of cotton, felt, foam rubber, wool, leather, latex, plastic or wicker. The material must be chosen based on the time of year.
Therefore, cotton and wool will be optimal in winter, while felt or wicker will be used in summer.
If you want to place the kennel in the garden, look for waterproof materials such as plastic, latex or wicker. Or use a warm sleeping bag inside and covered with plastic to isolate it from moisture.
Padding materials
The padding of your cat’s kennel will be the key to its comfort. A cat cannot rest on the floor, in fact it will always position itself on a soft surface of the house. If you want to create your own space, look for a kennel that has adequate padding to make it soft and comfortable.
The most common padding is made of foam rubber. If you have an older cat or one with joint problems, it is best to look for a kennel with viscoelastic foam. If your pet suffers from an allergy, choose cotton, wool or feathers. Hammocks or wicker kennels, suitable for summer, sometimes also have a pad, otherwise you can insert it yourself.
The design of a kennel for cats should be chosen based on how our animal sleeps and its size. What matters is that he feels comfortable and uses his dog bed instead of your furniture. There is a wide variety of dog beds according to the shape they have. Some of those we can find are these:
If your cat: | Buy him a kennel: |
Sleeping stretched | With bed shape. There are the simple ones and those that have raised edges if he likes to keep his head raised. |
He sleeps crouched | Cavern. That is, a space where your pet can take shelter to sleep safely. |
It is chilly | Sleeping bag type. These kennels allow him to sleep upstairs in hot weather and to enter and warm up when the weather cools. |
Love the heights | Hammock type. There are small kennels that can be attached with suction cups or nails on the walls and windows so that the cat can sleep at a certain height. |
Scratches continuously with nails | Scratching Post. There are kennels with shapes and materials suitable for your cat’s nails, which will avoid scratching his furniture or cushions. |
Dog beds according to the place he attends
To place a kennel it is better to choose the place that your cat likes. If you prefer the outdoors, look for one that resists humidity and is warm at the same time. If your pet loves to be on the sofa, look for a doghouse that fits this space. If you don’t like being on a surface, the best option is a well-padded doghouse.
On the other hand, if your cat is freezing or distrustful and likes to hide in order to sleep, choose a covered kennel or a sleeping bag. If instead he prefers to spend hours looking out the window or on a tall piece of furniture in the house, the best option for him is a hammock.
A kennel for cats is ideal to offer your pet a space of its own and improve your well-being and rest. For you, the fact that your cat has its own kennel will avoid damaging your furniture with your nails or filling them with hair. Furthermore, if you are allergic, the particles that annoy you will be collected in these small spaces.
Even if you like to share your bed or sofa, always offer your cat a space. These pets require privacy to feel comfortable. There is a large variety of kennels on the market, depending on your cat’s personality and where you want to place it. You can even put more than one by placing them in their favorite places.
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