Police dogs, military dogs, guide dogs or therapy dogs, these adorable puppies are not only cute and loyal, they are also highly intelligent and fairly easy to raise. That’s why we can count on them in the most critical moments.
The nose of service dogs is 50 times more sensitive than that of humans. These olfactory abilities combined with total devotion make this animal an irreplaceable and very effective ally in the field. Police dogs sniff drugs, discover explosives and find missing persons; those of the fire brigade recognize flammable substances; guide dogs accompany the blind every day. These adorable puppies are exceptional, and worthy of wearing the uniform.
Refrain from wanting to pet them, don’t try to pet them, feed them or talk to them. These little men do a serious job that we should all recognize and appreciate. And whether they are policemen, guides or real soldiers, they had a first day of work like us.
1. Two adorable puppies try on their uniform
2. A puppy in class
3. He too tries on his uniform for the first time
4. This future guide dog doesn’t want to leave his stuffed animal

5. A puppy that learns from the older ones

6. A guide dog

7. “When do we leave?”

8. A little rest is needed

9. First day at Manchester Police, UK