Sometimes we happen to notice eye secretions in our cat: but what do they depend on and when can they be dangerous? Everything you should know.

Eye secretions are a rather common problem among cats and it is usually quite simple to eliminate the occasional accumulation of mucus from the corners of your pet’s eyes. However, if the problem occurs frequently and tends to take on certain characteristics, it is advisable to investigate thoroughly because even serious conditions can hide behind this apparently harmless problem.
If you notice that your cat’s eyes have excessive secretions or in any case different from the usual in quantity, frequency or appearance, it is good to contact your trusted veterinarian as soon as possible: only an expert will be able to make an accurate visit and formulate the diagnosis specific, prescribing an appropriate treatment to the cat.
In this article you will find everything you need to know about the symptoms, causes and treatment of them eye secretions in cats.
Eye secretions in cats: when should you worry?

As mentioned, eye secretions are a rather frequent occurrence among domestic cats: they usually present themselves as a real watery “discharge” that comes from the eyes of the animal. In some cases, the secretion may have a mucous consistency and tends to accumulate around the cat’s eyes, with a greater amount accumulated in the corners of the eye. In some cases, a certain is added to this common symptom reddening of the cat’s eyes.
Causes of feline eye secretions
In general, the presence of secretions in a cat’s eyes is a sign of a deeper problem that hides behind this seemingly harmless symptom. Among the most common causes of excessive eye secretions in cats we can list:
- Conjunctivitis
- Eye infections
- Upper respiratory tract infections
- Feline allergies
- Clogged tear ducts
- Eye injuries and the presence of foreign bodies in the eye
Among all the causes of eye secretions in cats, the conjunctivitis it is certainly the most common. It is an inflammation of the membrane present on the front surface of the eye and inside the eyelids. It often involves redness, excessive tearing and swelling of the eyelids. Usually the eye secretion is purulent and the disease is highly infectious, even for humans. If you want to deepen the topic, here you will find our article dedicated to Conjunctivitis in cats: causes, symptoms and treatment.
Care and treatment for eye secretions in cats
As already mentioned, when eye secretions become a constant problem in our feline friend it is necessary to consult the veterinarian. The doctor will perform one visit complete, probably adding some blood analysis which will serve to rule out a number of causes.
The vet will then perform one eye examination specific on the cat, observing it through a series of particular tools that serve to enlarge the image of the cat’s eye.
Depending on the underlying cause, the vet may prescribe a series of ad hoc treatments which usually include the administration of a specific eye drops and some indications for cleaning the eyes to be repeated at home.