Cats have long settled next to humans. People domesticated their wild ancestors to get helpers in the fight against rodents, to find complaisant non-dangerous companions. Over time, man has learned to preserve the necessary qualities of character and color in the offspring. Gradually, new breeds of furry purr arose. However, purebred cats did not disappear, but gradually flooded the space of settlements around the world. Regardless of the origin of the cat, they remain loyal to their owners, daily give them their love. Today, our material is dedicated to outbred furry pets.

Taming cats began in Egypt about four thousand years ago. There are suggestions that even before this, people were able to tame tailed assistants.

According to scientists, the ancestor of all existing cats was a steppe wild cat. It was possible to establish this using research DNA samples found mummies of cats, wild and domestic cats.
Thoroughbred cats appeared due to the intervention of a person who selected the best, in his opinion, qualities of these animals. Outbred species formed arbitrarily under the influence of the environment. The genes of several different breeds are present in the blood of outbred cats. This determines their high adaptive abilities, endurance, a variety of color, size and length of the coat.

Cats without evidence of belonging to a particular breed often remain on the street. Most people prefer breeding kittens, which are purchased at a high price. Yard cats are picked up from the street, therefore, when necessary, they are sent back without regret.
Variety of mongrel cats
External characteristics of domestic cats, their character is formed under the influence of living conditions. A non-purebred mother may have kittens radically different from each other. Over the years of the existence of cats, there was a natural mixing of their hereditary traits. Among the variety of domestic cats there are several groups:
- Longhair – animals that have acquired a longer, thicker coat during living in cold climates. Moreover, these animals have large sizes, a muscular body and shortened wide limbs. The weight of cats living in a cold climate reaches 6-7 kg., Their tail is thickened, dark shades prevail in the color.

- Shorthair – feline representatives with short hair belong to the southern type, living in a warm mild climate. Coloring in shorthair cats can have a diverse combination of colors with a predominance of light shades. Striped, tortie color prevails in outbred cats, however monochromatic individuals are often found. Representatives of the southern type have an elegant body, the mass of which does not exceed five kilograms. The tail of a short-haired cat is long, its head has an elongated shape with high-set ears.

There are crossbreeds of two types of domestic cats. In this case, kittens are born with the presence of different shades in the color and medium length of the coat.
Character features of yard cats
Regardless of belonging to a particular breed, cats differ not only in appearance, but also in character. From pedigree kittens are expected to have the qualities inherent in a particular breed. Yard cats are deprived not only of regalia, but also of certainty in the inheritance of the features of morals. Outbred cats, which were chosen by compassionate people for the rest of their lives, will go after the owner and faithfully look into their eyes. Even with the opportunity to go out, they always return home.
There is a separate caste of domestic cats – mousetraps, rat-catchers. These feline representatives have a wayward character. They are independent, they are indulgent towards the owner. Appear at home, in moments when there are not enough rodents on the street.

Especially worth noting are animals that have been abused. Often, homeless kittens act as toys for cruel kids. Growing up, such an animal shuns people, does not take food from a person, refuses affection and care. These individuals are sometimes capable of aggression.

In other cases, street cats are responsive to affection and care. Once in the house, they willingly go to their hands, love affection. Non-pedigree cats are flexible, they clearly understand the rules of living together with a person, do not cross the border of what is permitted. Pets picked up from the street are afraid to break the rules, shkodnitsya unnecessarily, fearing to return to the street.
Outbred cats are easier to get along with other animals, are loyal even to dogs.

Wary of the arrival of strangers. According to many owners of simple street cats, they have higher intellectual abilities than thoroughbred relatives.

Of the kittens selected on the street, I grow up loyal and affectionate pets.