Everyone knows the benefits, but what are the side effects of dog vaccines? Everything you need to know about these important medicines.

In principle, we know what the benefits of vaccines are on the health of dogs and cats: they are certainly a fundamental weapon against pathogens that undermine their well-being. But they are still medicines, and as such, they have goods side effects of vaccines. This article absolutely does not want to alarm the owners or invite them not to vaccinate their pets. It is only for cognitive purposes to understand what are the problems, albeit solvable and trivial, that can arise once they have been administered.
Side effects and benefits of dog vaccines: pros and cons

We know the dog, outdated 12 months of age, should be submitted to the vaccination plan, as it is precisely in that period (from 12 to 16 months precisely) that the effect of colostrum for dogs begins to wear off. In fact, when the proteins of the food supplied by the mother begin to lose the antibodies, the action of vaccines is necessary. They protect against parasitic diseases and pathologies; prevent anger, dog distemper, and hepatitis. But it is equally true that, in addition to the undeniable benefits, they also have some small but not negligible side effects. We can usually notice their effect a few hours after they have been administered to our dog, or in the days immediately following vaccination (Read here: Vaccinations for dogs). Let’s see what they are to not worry too much when they present themselves.
What can happen to a newly vaccinated dog

Any organism that is injected with a vaccine can have some reactions. All veterinarians warn owners of possible side effects that may occur in their pets: it is completely normal for that a body reacts to an external agent who immediately injected himself. The body is a perfect machine, which works by ‘responding’ to external stimuli, such as vaccinations. Naturally, the newborn puppies are the most sensitive and vulnerable ones, as well as the immunosuppressed specimens or that are in a particularly sensitive condition (think of those who have just undergone sterilization).
It is therefore normal to worry about side effects, but it is equally important to reiterate that they are not serious. Before being used and put on the market, all vaccines were subjected to tests and examinations that assessed both their beneficial effects and their dangerousness. And it is obvious that a substance that serves to save your life does not endanger you! Even the contraindications for vaccines have therefore already been ‘tested’ long before being injected into your dog.
This does not mean that we can inject the vaccine as we please: we must always comply with the expert’s instructions. He will prescribe, administer and establish a vaccination plan based on the age and health of the dog. in addition, he will give the most useful advice to deal with any side effects. Here is what is possible.
Side Effects of Dog Vaccines

They have not always been, indeed many lucky dogs may not experience any of these symptoms. But if it does, don’t be alarmed!
Anaphylaxis: let’s start with the most serious and important effect among all. It is a pathological reaction of the body, to which the vaccine has been injected by inhalation, skin or intravenously. It is manifested by an inflammation of the muzzle and throat, breathing difficulties, episodes of vomiting and diarrhea. The heart rate may decrease and the red blood cells may drop a few moments after the injection. On the positive side, anaphylaxis is very rare indeed.
Apathy: once vaccinated, the dog may appear tired, without strength, sad and sleepy. It is a delicate moment in which the animal needs to recover its energies and regain the forces necessary to react, so let’s let it rest!
The desire for solitude: a dog that has just undergone vaccination avoids contact with humans and other animals inside the house. On the one hand, this desire for solitude is the result of the tiredness mentioned above, on the other, it is perhaps the demonstration that the dog is offended against the owner who led him to make a sting!
Circumscribed inflamed area: the area where the puncture was performed can redden and swell. This occurs when the injected liquid has not yet entered the circulation and is deposited in the area affected by the needle. It could also be an allergic reaction, which should disappear in a few hours.
Gastrointestinal problems: the dog’s stomach may be damaged by the vaccine and cause vomiting and diarrhea in the dog. this state of gastrointestinal discomfort can lead the dog to appetite and stomach pain: in fact, the dog may find relief in taking particular positions that “do not press” on the stomach.
Respiratory problems: especially when the dog is injected with an intra-nasal vaccine, ‘response’ effects may occur such as coughing, sneezing, nasal secretions etc. This sort of false cooling can also lead to some fever lines: with a little rest the dog will regain his usual strength.