Cats and babies health risks – In your family is expected to replenish, and you are worried about how the cat will react to the baby? Or maybe you want to take a little kitten so that he grows up with the child? Will the cat and the child live in the same house? How do cats treat newborns? All these issues are analyzed in our article.
Are cats dangerous for children?
There are people who are sure: cats are dangerous for children. What if allergies? Suddenly worms? Suddenly a flea?
But if allergies can really become a problem (one cannot guess here), then the other risks are exaggerated.
If a cat is kept at home and its health is monitored (regular vaccinations and treatment for parasites are carried out, taken to a veterinary specialist for check-ups, do not practice self-vigilance and do not allow the cat to dig in the trash can) it does not pose a threat to the child’s health and no restrictions on the child’s communication with no cat. Exception: scratches, but they will be discussed below.

How do cats treat newborns?
Future parents are often worried: how will the old cat accept a child? The Internet knows a lot of stories about cat jealousy and vindictiveness, and this does not add peace to parents.
In practice, all cats are individual, and one can never say exactly how a particular cat will relate to a particular baby. Of course, there are cases when a pet begins to be jealous of its owners and is offended, but most often the cats of newborns are ignored.
The interest of cats in children appears later, when the little tot begins to crawl or walk and follows the cat himself. But even here not every cat will succumb to provocations. Some pets categorically avoid children, others are gentle and tidy with them, and there are those who are not averse to releasing claws.
Much in the relationship between a pet and a baby depends on the temperament of a particular cat, on the nature of the baby, but most importantly on the parents. They should not leave the child unsupervised; moreover, it is they who will teach the baby to treat the pet, and the pet – with the baby.

A cat and a small child in the house: what to look for?
The most important thing in being a cat and child under the same roof is safety, both of them. The task of the owners is to control the pet’s health: to timely treat it from parasites and vaccinate, to visit a veterinary specialist, not only if problems arise, but also as a preventive measure.
A child in the house is a weighty reason for sterilizing a pet. If you still have not decided to do it, now is the time. Sterilized pet more balanced and much less unpleasant surprises.
And one more important point: if the pet has behavior problems, it is better to solve them before the appearance of the baby. Refer to a specialist (zoopsychologist), he will help to correct the behavior of the pet.
How to establish a joint life of a cat and a child under the same roof?
1. Pay attention to your pet.
The appearance of a child in the family is the most important event in life. Of course, the first time all your attention will be riveted to the baby. But you must not forget about the pet, so that he does not feel unnecessary and abandoned. Take a minute to scratch the cat behind the ear. Talk to him. Let the cat sniff the baby and his stuff. Let the cat become a participant in the process, and not be left behind astern.
Cats who have lost the attention of the owners, can harbor an insult and become unsociable.
2. Cozy and quiet place for a cat
Children in the house are always noise, vanity and lots of toys everywhere. In order to maintain emotional balance, a small predator should always have a place where she can retire and rest, where no one will disturb her.
3. One on one
No matter how gentle the cat may be, it cannot be left alone with the child. Even if the cat has been living with you for 10 years and you know all its habits, from and to, it remains an animal and its behavior can be unpredictable.

4. The delimitation of space
Probably, you have repeatedly seen photos where children and cats happily sleep in the same crib. All this looks nice, but it’s better to set the border for the pet and forbid him to jump into the crib and places where diapers are stored, clothes for the baby – in short, everything close to the body. So you protect your baby from wool and dirt that may be on the cat.
Brush your cat regularly. This will help remove dead hair and keep it clean!
5. Claw clipping
Do not expect that the cat will never scratch the child. Most likely, such an incident will happen more than once. Your task is to minimize this probability and minimize the consequences. To protect the child from strong scratches, regularly shorten the cat’s claws.
6. Toys
The cat simply needs special various toys. She needs them without children in the house, and when there are children, especially! Toys will distract the attention of the domestic predator from the funny chubby legs of the toddler and will help to direct energy in the right direction. And when the baby grows up, he will be able to play them with the cat.
7. Education
Friendship of a cat and a child is impossible without the right parental approach. You have to carry out double educational work: in relation to the child and in relation to the pet. As soon as the baby is old enough, he will need to explain how you can and can not behave with your pet. A cat must learn what is allowed to him and what is not.
Do not forget to praise the cat for success in behavior. This will be very helpful delicacies! It will be great if the baby treats the cat with delicacies: it will benefit their relationship.
First, parents have to protect the baby from the cat, and then the cat – from the child.
Emotional contact with the four-legged friend is very important for the baby. Psychologists are convinced: the pet helps to cultivate a child’s sense of responsibility, love and kindness, and even enhances his self-esteem.

Contrary to the concerns of the cases when the cat and the child really do not get along, there are very few, and we hope you do not add to this list!