
My Dog’s Poop Smells Really Bad: Insides Rotting? (Disgusting!)

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An unpleasant and unusual odor from a dog’s feces (this must be why you type “my dog’s poop smells really bad”) can indicate that something is wrong with its digestive health. However, there are various causes and conditions that can lead to this situation.

In general, a particularly unpleasant and unusual odor indicates a digestive problem that can be due to a variety of causes. It may happen that the dog smells bad, either for physiological reasons or because it suffers from some pathology.

Let’s see if all this can be an indicator that something is wrong. Providing your dog with quality food, deworming, vaccinations, and regular veterinary check-ups helps to avoid many problems related to bad-smelling feces.

The strong odor of feces may be related to the presence of worms and also to the involvement of intestinal diseases. Some animals may have a deficiency in the production of pancreatic enzymes that act directly on the digestibility of food, also presenting feces with the most foul-smelling odor.

When we can’t diagnose the presence of any of the above problems, we should start to worry about the quality of the feed. In this article, we will answer the questions related to why does my dog’s poop smell so bad?

The variation of the ingredients of a ration can cause variation in the odor of the feces.

Nowadays, there are already rations manufactured in order to reduce this odor. They are known as “indoor” rations. They usually have Phyto extracts and other ingredients that can work by reducing the odor of feces. This type of food, as its name suggests, is indicated mainly for those dogs that live indoors.

Problems With Feeding: Did You Not Know This?

Regardless of the chosen diet, the key is that it meets the quality criteria and adapts to the life stage and characteristics of each dog. In this way, we not only cover your nutritional needs but facilitate the use of ingredients and good digestion.

So, in addition to a healthy dog, with a shiny coat, we will notice the quality of its feces. With good food, they will be smaller, more consistent, and have a less pronounced odor. Therefore, we can point to diet as a very common cause of a strong smell in the dog’s feces. Some folks even point out that it smells of carrion in some situations.

A poor diet produces bulky stools, which are softer in consistency and are normally eliminated more often. For this reason:

How to fix the strong smells in dogs? – sometimes the problem can be solved with a simple change in their diet or, if this diet is good, with the elimination of human foods that some caregivers give and may not be recommended for dogs.

If you have questions about the best food for your dog, contact a veterinarian. In addition to the quality of the food, there are other issues to consider in our dog’s diet:

  • Sudden changes may be behind rapid digestive transit that affects stool. That is why it is always advisable that any modification be introduced gradually and over several days of transition, precisely to avoid digestive changes.
  • Food intolerance to meats, fish, eggs, cereals, etc., also triggers rapid transit. A food that very commonly affects intestinal transit is milk. Puppies that are no longer puppies lack the enzyme needed to digest lactose and this is precisely what can cause digestive upset.
  • Sometimes stools have a rancid or foul odor that can be associated with problems with digestion and fermentation processes. Badly digestible ingredients that require a greater effort from the digestive system and spend more time in it, can lead to bad digestion with fermentation, noise, flatulence, and foul-smelling stools.
  • In addition, bacterial overgrowths can occur. In these cases, in addition to having to modify the diet in terms of quality and standard of administration, it is also possible that you need pharmacological treatment prescribed by the veterinarian.

Regarding the bad smell in the feces of the puppies, it is also important to note that the smell of food or curdled milk can be explained by excessive feeding. In such cases, the stool is also abundant and formless. This should be resolved by simply adjusting the kibble to the manufacturer’s recommendations and you can avoid the strong smell in the dog’s feces.

Reasons For Smell Bad Dog Poop: What Dogs and Their Owner Hate

Your dog‘s feces can tell a lot about his health. It is recommended that its appearance, consistency, and also its smell be monitored. Here are 5 reasons why your dog’s feces can smell very bad .

Don’t expect your pet‘s feces to smell like roses or have a pleasant odor, but if it smells really bad it could be a sign of something wrong with your pet.


Canine parvovirus is a serious and highly contagious viral disease that affects dogs. Mainly in the puppy stage, although it can also occur in adult and senior dogs. If our dog is a puppy, especially in its first months of life, when it is most vulnerable, any change in its feces must be reported to the veterinarian.

Specifically, there is a disease that causes feces with an unmistakable smell: it is canine parvovirus, a pathology of viral origin, very contagious and serious.

One of its main signs is the presence of foul-smelling diarrhea, with frequent stools and the presence of blood, so observing the quality of the stool will be the main step in making a diagnosis.

In addition to the strong smell in the dog’s feces, they will be diarrheal and often hemorrhagic. 

It is an emergency that must be attended to immediately by the vet. There is no specific treatment against the virus, but supportive care is prescribed, which usually consists of fluid therapy, antibiotics, and other medications to control clinical signs.

Given the severity, it is best to prevent this by vaccinating the puppy according to the veterinarian’s instructions.

Parvovirus can bring fatal consequences to puppies and although there is no specific treatment, it will be mandatory to go to an expert veterinarian when the disease is suspected. In this way, the expert will provide a symptomatic treatment to cope with the signs.

Other infections can also occur. The diagnosis can only be determined by the veterinarian.

Worms and parasites

Some infestations caused by intestinal parasites, such as hookworms, can also cause diarrhea with blood that has a different odor than usual. In addition, giardia and coccidiosis are other pathogens that are associated with more frequent, mucous, and unpleasant-smelling stools

Parasitoses are more common in puppies or debilitated adults, but they can affect all types of dogs. Hence the importance of regular deworming and that, if clinical signs appear, the vet will treat the parasite specifically for a problem that can go far beyond the strong smell in the dog’s feces.

Recognizing: Worms and Parasites

The presence of intestinal parasites in dogs such as giardia, coccidia, and hookworms can affect dogs of any age regardless of breed. However, a risk factor for parasites will be having a weak immune system.

This type of parasite cause alterations in the stools such as the presence of bloody diarrhea, stools with a weak consistency, mucous, and also smelly. 

Absorption Problems

Sometimes our furry friends are consuming a quality diet, but we still notice the strong smell in the dog’s feces. 

They often have that sour milk or food odor that we have already mentioned and that can be related to absorption problems, usually originating in the small intestine or pancreas

Animals with this problem are usually thin and malnourished, although they show an increase in appetite as if they were always hungry, and the feces, in addition to smell, are abundant and greasy, sometimes staining the fur around the anus.

In these cases, the dog cannot absorb the nutrients that arrive with the food. It is a malabsorption syndrome that must be diagnosed and treated by a veterinarian. Intestinal biopsies are usually required in addition to fecal analysis. Treatment depends on finding the cause.

Affectations in the pancreas

Affectations in the pancreas such as pancreatitis or exocrine pancreatic insufficiency usually cause low or no absorption of the nutrients necessary to maintain optimal condition, due to the decrease in enzyme production. 

One of the main signs of this condition is the poor quality of the stool, which is why there will be fetid and grayish diarrhea. The fur around the anus will be greasy. Additionally, the dog will display noticeable thinness, even eating the right portions.

So in case, you notice these types of signs you should go to a veterinarian immediately.

The pancreas plays an important role in digestion, so when it stops producing its enzymes, the dog will not be able to absorb all the nutrients it needs.

In this way, as in malabsorption syndrome, the dog will be thin, although he will feel a voracious appetite and eat more than usual. This type of stool guides the veterinarian for this diagnosis. Treatment includes enzymes to supply the missing ones and control of feeding.

For all that, if you feel a strong smell in the dog’s feces and the problem is not a poor quality diet, do not hesitate and go to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible.


Any change in the digestive system can cause the dog’s feces to smell strong. And this situation is not uncommon in canines, as they have a tendency to ingest any minimally edible substance they find, such as household or street garbage, any leftover food even if it is in the process of decomposition, plastics, grass, or even dead animals.

Although your stomach is well prepared to digest this type of material, irritations can occur that end up causing rapid transit and, as a consequence, foul-smelling diarrhea, as it has not had time to eliminate the water.

It is often a mild disorder that resolves with a day of specific, light eating. The problem is that if the diarrhea is deep and the dog doesn’t replace the fluids it loses, it can become dehydrated. It is a point of special attention in puppies, in adults weakened for some reason, or in older specimens. 

In these cases, you should go to the vet and not risk waiting for it to resolve spontaneously.

Excessively Washing The Dog Maybe Not So Good

Some breeds may have a bad smell due to genetic predispositions

As obvious as it may seem, this statement needs to be said, especially for those who are not very fond of dogs. If you like this animal, keep in mind that it will not have the same scent as humans.

Creating situations so that the pet always has the smell that we believe is good can cause some problems. Excessive bathing and the use of products with a strong chemical composition to eliminate dog odor can lead to low immunity or dermatitis.

The frequency of bathing can imply the opposite situation. This means that the more the animal is exposed to water, the more sebum it will produce. This will make it smell strong.

In addition, the pet can be at risk of contracting respiratory diseases, especially if the baths are given on very cold days. Perfumes should also be avoided because they can impair dogs’ sense of smell.

Possible Causes of Unusual Odor in Stool 

As mentioned above, the causes of the bad smell of dog feces are due to various circumstances, some of a mild nature and others due to more serious clinical conditions. Among the most common are:

Inadequate Diet

Feeding a dog improperly or from a low-quality concentrate is often one of the main causes of the unusual odor in its feces. Likewise, the low quality in the texture of the stools will be common.

A dog must be fed an adequate diet, of quality and specially designed for its stage. In this way, we will favor their optimal nutrition and good digestion, aspects that will be reflected in the quality of their stools and their moderate odor.

Drastic Changes In Diet

Dogs have a shorter digestive tract and fewer enzymes in the stomach, which is why they are more sensitive and do not usually process sudden changes in food optimally, so a change in the smell of feces can occur as a consequence, as well as diarrhea and vomiting.

Therefore, it is important to change the type of food progressively and not from one day to the next. In other words, the new food should begin to be added in small quantities to their usual diet, and increase the amounts of this as the days go by until it is completely replaced.

Food Intolerances Or Allergies

Dogs may have allergies or intolerances to certain foods, such as cereals, some sources of protein, eggs, and milk, among others. These types of intolerances are quite common, so if a dog has digestive problems such as diarrhea, vomiting, gas, or an unpleasant odor in their feces, this will be a possible cause.

Know Your Friend’s Own Scent

Coexistence and contact with the dog will promote recognition of the behavior and smell that is proper and natural to him. It is important that you know how to identify the scent of each part of the body.

Whenever possible, check paws, ears, and fur. Also, note the odor of feces and urine. With this olfactory memory, you will be able to identify any strong smell that is out of the ordinary and from which part of the body it comes.

What To Do When Your Dog’s Scent Is Out Of The Ordinary

If your dog smells stronger than usual, try to identify all possible signs and look for a veterinarian. At Vet Quality, your friend will have the opportunity to be evaluated by a multidisciplinary team that will assess the origin of the odor.

Main Causes Of Bad Smell


Normally, when the dog has allergic reactions, or infestation by parasites, fungi, or bacteria, the skin tends to give off a smell that resembles that of earth.


Ear problems can affect dogs of all breeds and ages, especially if the animal is in the habit of playing by rubbing its head on the ground or has a lot of contact with dirt yards.

Otitis cases arise when there is a significant increase in wax production. If you notice that your friend’s scent is very strong and acidic, check the ears for signs of infection.

Usually, the inflamed ears have a dark brown wax and the skin turns red. Don’t try to clean your friend’s ears with flexible earbuds.

Take it to the vet so that he can prescribe specific medications to treat the source of the problem in order to eliminate the dog odor that is associated with the disease.


All dogs, just like humans, release gas, even if we don’t realize it. Some breeds, such as bulldogs and pugs, shed more frequently. Despite being normal, you should identify if gases are being released excessively.

In that case, perhaps, your friend needs another type of dog food. It may be that some components of the feed are not being assimilated by the body. Do not switch food on your own.

The feed should be changed gradually and under the guidance of a canine nutrition specialist.

Like skunks, dogs have glands in their anus that can rupture for a variety of reasons. The main one is the reaction in the face of a fearful situation, to repel the predator or the element that is passing the feeling of risk.

When the liquid from these glands is expelled, the strong smell is very characteristic, approaching the odor of carrion or materials in a state of decomposition.

If this occurs, take your friend to the vet to have them empty these glands.


You must have seen your pet rubbing itself in places where there is garbage or food scraps. Dogs do this instinctively to protect themselves from hunting by disguising their own scent.

This is very common when dogs are raised on farms, farms or in places where different species of animals live together.

Strong Breath

Bad breath can be caused by gastrointestinal or dental problems. To solve the first one, consult the vet so that he can guide you about feeding your pet.

If the problem is related to oral health, check for tartar. They must be removed through a procedure that requires general anesthesia. Therefore, only the vet can do it.

Keep your pet’s teeth clean by brushing daily with dog-specific products.

Breeds That Tend To Have A Strong Smell

Basset Hound, Cocker Spaniel, Beagle, and Pug have a stronger odor than other animals. Despite this predisposition, it is important that you know how to identify whether the smell is natural or the result of an infection, for example.

Regardless of the cause of the bad smell, there is always a solution to eliminating dog odor. If you notice any odor that is out of the ordinary, contact a trusted 24-hour veterinarian.

If you spend most of the day outside and therefore can’t take your little friend outside to pee and poop, a good solution is to use toilet mats.

That way, your dog concentrates his needs in one place. In the case of cats, the ideal bathroom is a litter box.

But it is essential to clean the cat’s urine and feces using a specific shovel and then fill the box with the amount of new litter needed.

Quality Food For Your Pets

Do you have any doubts that our little friends are getting closer to us? They take up space inside the house, have all the necessary comfort, and also deserve quality food.

In this sense, some dog and cat food can significantly reduce the bad smell of feces, ideal for pets that live indoors.

But it is essential to consult a veterinarian to determine the best food for your pet and the correct amount.

Disinfect, Clean And Eliminate Odors

An efficient way to eliminate bad odors caused by pet urine and feces is with the use of appropriate odor eliminators.

That’s because conventional cleaning materials have substances harmful to pet health, such as chlorine. Specific products are able to disinfect, clean, and neutralize odors.


One of the most common problems for people who have pets is the bad smell of their beloved ‘furry friends. In many cases, no matter how much we clean them, they continue to smell bad.

The reason? Maybe we’re not doing it right. But don’t worry, getting rid of your pet’s bad odor is not as difficult as it may seem, follow these tips and in a short time, you will notice the difference.


His house, his blankets… It is important that you wash them regularly in the washing machine with hot water, so the smell will disappear and it will be easier for your pet to keep clean.


A home remedy to eliminate your dog’s bad smell is to rub his hair with water and vinegar, the smell will be neutralized and it will also add shine to his hair.


If the house smells like a dog, even if your pet is clean and doesn’t smell, rubbing through the ‘conflictive’ areas will pick up the smell again. Sprinkle baking soda on carpets and furniture that smell bad, in a while, it will absorb the smell. Don’t worry, it’s not harmful to your pet.


When you come back from the street, pass a damp cloth over the legs and belly, in this way you will remove the dirt. You can use baby wipes since they do not contain alcohol, they are not harmful and they smell great.


Another reason why your pet smells bad is this. Dry it thoroughly after bathing it and put a little special perfume for dogs on it. You will notice the difference.


One of the causes of bad smell of dogs is the mouth. Brush it once a day with special toothpaste for dogs. Do not worry, it is not as difficult as it seems, you can spread it with your finger over the teeth without any problem.

It is very important that you keep your dog’s mouth clean especially when young kids do enjoy kisses from them.


In this way, you will eliminate dust, dead hair, and more dirt than you can imagine (and with it, as a consequence, the bad smell)

If you follow these tips, we assure you that your pet’s bad smell will no longer be a problem. 

Requirements Of Food For Dog Feces Without Odor

Before talking about suitable food to promote firm and odorless stools, we must know that if your dog is presenting this anomaly, the first step to follow will be to consult a veterinarian. In this way, you will be able to rule out any serious illness and additionally receive recommendations related to their diet.

Now, then, we will tell you some recommendations that you can follow when looking for an alternative to feeding your dog that favors quality stools and a moderate odor. 

1. Choose Quality Food And According To The Age Of The Dog

Choosing the appropriate food according to the age and condition of the dog will be necessary to promote its digestion. 

Likewise, taking quality into account and making it an easy-to-digest product will be essential. Well, a food that is difficult to digest will remain longer in the intestine and with it the amount of sulfur will increase. So foul-smelling stools are produced.

2. Rule out any food intolerances before changing their food

Foul-smelling stools without firmness will be common if you are giving your dog a concentrate that contains an ingredient to which he is intolerant. Therefore, you should rule out any food intolerance or allergy in the company of an expert veterinarian before giving your dog a new concentrate.

3. Choose a concentrate with Yucca schidigera

concentrate for dogs that has Yucca Schidigera extract among its ingredients will be a very good option to promote the quality of the stool. 

The Yucca Schidigera is a plant used to control the production and accumulation of ammonia or NH3 and thus reduce bad odors from feces. Likewise, it has been shown that it decreases the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in gases or flatulence. 

4. Choose A Concentrate with Prebiotics and Probiotics

Prebiotics and Probiotics are foods that promote the health of intestinal flora. They consist of good bacteria that remain in the digestive system, favoring digestion to be carried out quickly. Therefore, they help to inhibit the bad odors of the stools as there is no increase in the fermentative activity in the intestinal microbiota. 

Taking into account the above requirements, you will be able to choose the right concentrate for your dog, just by reviewing the ingredients present in the formula. 

However, a good recommendation to keep in mind if your dog’s feces smell very bad is the Guaumor concentrate for dogs, a food that will guarantee the best nutrition for the furry ones in the house. Well, it has a complete formula with Yucca Schidigera that will help you solve this uncomfortable problem and also promote your dog’s digestive health thanks to prebiotics and probiotics.

Finally, remember that our articles are for informational purposes and we are not authorized to give veterinary diagnoses or treatments. Therefore, you should always consult an expert veterinarian in any situation that affects the health of your pet.

This article is merely informative, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the vet in case of any type of condition or discomfort.

We hope that after reading this article you have solved your doubts related to Why does your dog’s feces smell so bad? Do not forget to follow us on social networks and enter our website to be aware of our promotions. 

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