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Top 10 + 1 Rare Animals of the Mariana Trench: Photos | Names | Details


Top 10 + 1 Rare Animals of the Mariana Trench: Photos | Names | Details

Animals of the Mariana Trench: Photos names, description, features – The inhabitants of the ocean waters are the most poorly understood creatures. So, for example, in the depths of the Mariana Trench hiding the most incredible creatures that are most similar to the monsters from American horror films.

Angler fish

This fish was called angler because there is a growth on the head of the female specimen, which is very similar to a fishing rod. At its end there is a small ball with which the anglerfish lures victims. The predator feeds on cephalopods, crustaceans, and many other animals.

Goblin shark

This shark has two names: goblin and brownie. This strange creature has a very repulsive appearance: an incredibly long nose, translucent pink skin, through which capillaries are visible, the jaws moving forward.

For a long time, scientists believed that these ancient predators became extinct long ago. However, in the last century, researchers managed to catch a shark-brownie. Unfortunately, they have not yet been able to find out what it eats. Nothing is known about the reproduction of the animal.

Amphitretus pelagic

Pelagic amphitretus is an octopus whose main feature is the unusual structure of the organs of vision. The eyes of this creature can rotate around its axis. Thanks to this, the octopus sees everything perfectly, even if it is at a depth of more than 2 kilometers. The tentacles of the animal are interconnected by thin strings. The main diet of amphitretus includes plankton. The octopus differs from many other inhabitants of the ocean in that it can move in a vertical plane.

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Black-headed shark

Ardent sharks are some of the rarest relic creatures. The almost complete absence of enemies helped them survive to this day. These animals are very different from other representatives of this species. Outwardly, they look more like snakes than sharks.

The lacquers have an elongated two-meter body, 6 rows of gills, forming a fold, which scientists called a cloak. Sharks have 300 sharp crown-shaped teeth arranged in 20 rows.


The chiasmodon has another name – the live-swallow. This tiny fish was nicknamed because of its incredible gluttony. The body length of this creature does not exceed 20 centimeters. The livestock has become a formidable predator thanks to its jaws, which are easily advanced. As a result, the fish’s mouth instantly turns into a large mouth. With its help, the chiasmodon calmly absorbs prey, which is several times larger than it.

Viper fish

This fish looks really like an adder. The length of her body is approximately 30-35 centimeters. The animal has incredibly large teeth. On the sides of his head are round convex eyes. The body of the viper fish is covered with special organs that glow in the dark. They serve as a kind of bait for the victims.


Macropinnus is a truly unique creature. The head of the fish is completely covered with a transparent bubble. Small green eyes are directly below him. Scientists could not thoroughly study this creature. Since if you pull the macro pin to the surface, then its head bubble will burst and it will die.


The acupuncture is very small, it grows up to 15 centimeters in length. But, despite this, the fish is still a dangerous predator. She looks like a real monster. The igloo has huge teeth and a terrible muzzle. And his body is covered with slippery skin, not scales. The fish also has a mustache, which glows due to a special gland. With it, a predator lures prey to itself.

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Grimpotevtis is a bright representative of the umbrella family. This octopus really looks like an umbrella. Outwardly, he looks harmless enough. The animal has beautiful eyes and puffy lips. However, appearances can be deceiving. Grimpotevis is a dangerous predator that always swallows its prey whole.


Bentocodon is a bright red jellyfish living at a depth of more than 700 meters. It feeds on unicellular organisms and various crustaceans. Moreover, victims of bentocodon, as a rule, have organs glowing in the dark. That is why the body of the jellyfish is opaque. Its solid color hides the glow that comes from a well-fed animal.

Hatchet fish

This fish got its name because of the unusual ax-shaped body shape. The animal has its own unique abilities. The hatchet fish not only knows how to glow in the dark, but also regulate the brightness of its glow. This skill allows her to deftly hide from enemies, disguising herself as the color of her environment.

This was a list of the strangest creatures that inhabit the bottom of the Mariana Trench. Some of them are not yet fully understood by researchers. This suggests that many secrets are still hidden in the depths of the ocean.

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