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My Dog’s Poop Really Stinks: I would Substitute A Fart (digestive disorders)

my dog's Poop really StinkS


My Dog’s Poop Really Stinks: I would Substitute A Fart (digestive disorders)

“My Dog’s Poop Really Stinks” – Foul odors are a big turn-off for human beings and our best friends are no Exception. Very often the owners find that “my pet’s poop smells extremely bad”, and this may lead to concerns given because it has been “always”. So what should correct dog poop looks like? Let’s take about that and a lot more…

What proves that it deviates from the norm? Of course, there is no one perfect form that one could follow – because a poop of a Bernardine will look different from a Yorkshire Terrier.

My Dog’s Poop Really Stinks – Its good to Point out, If your dog’s poop has a different odor than usual, more unpleasant, intense or putrefying, it may be a sign of digestive disorders or disorders of the bacterial flora in the digestive tract of the pet.

However, there are guidelines for both the correct appearance and the smell. In some countries (USA, Canada), to facilitate the clinical interview, special stencils (similar to those with paint colors) are available, which make it easier for the owner to indicate the exact color and consistency of the dog’s poop when visiting the vet.

It is known that brown and yellow have many shades, and indicating the right one is of great importance in recognizing and making a correct diagnosis.

So, a dog’s poop should be:

  • formed,
  • compact but moist,
  • shiny, brown in color,
  • with a mild (medium intense) fragrance.

The color and smell of your stools are the most variable and vary depending on your dog’s diet. Some pets will have a browner color, others, such as those who have more minerals (bones) in their diet – more white.

The 3 Most Important Questions To Ask

The shape of the stool should be similar to that of a sausage, divided into several segments. It should not be too hard or too wet – it is best described by the adjective “plasticine”, i.e. like plasticine. In other words, soft enough that it should not break when picked up from the lawn.

Let’s remember! A sudden change in color, smell, or – most often we observe – the consistency of the stool is a warning sign, especially if there has been no change in the dog’s diet.

In dogs, we most often find all pathologies together – a change in consistency with a change in color and frequency of bowel movements, e.g. fecal incontinence due to diarrhea (even at night), light brown color with an admixture of blood.

Sticky smelly poop: What does it Say About your Pet?

Sticky poop can be a symptom of a temporary or chronic digestive disorder or the result of a diet with too much fat. The sticky poop can appear oily and pale or dark and tarry. If you also have other symptoms, such as gas or abdominal cramps, talk to your doctor to determine the underlying cause.

What is unhealthy poop?

This is because the body is unable to fully absorb nutrients (see below for malabsorption). Malabsorption can also lead to stools (feces) containing abnormally high levels of fat (steatorrhoea). This can make them odorous, greasy, and frothy. They can also be difficult to flush down the toilet.

What Should your Expectation Be?

In an optimal scenario, when dealing with a healthy and well-fed dog, the poop should be well-formed, not too hard and not too soft, resembling plasticine in its consistency. 

If you feel compact, damp, and won’t break when picked up when you pick up the poop, your pet’s droppings do not suggest any disturbing changes. By knowing what poop is normal for your dog and collecting his droppings on a daily basis, you can have much better control over any warning signs and changes that indicate many possible health problems.

My Dog’s Poop Really Stinks: The Main Reasons

Dogs and cats with digestive disorders will be affected by the dog’s stomach and intestines, leading to affecting the health of your dog if the dog has a long-term digestive disorder that is not detected for treatment. In time, it can be complicated to other diseases such as intestinal tract, constipation

Diarrhea: The Well Known

These manifestations may also not be due to your dog having a digestive disorder, but it may be a manifestation of other diseases in the body of dogs and cats. Diarrhea is often a sign of a digestive system disorder, but it can have many causes.

Watery diarrhea is often associated with hypersecretion, a condition in which excess fluid is secreted in the intestines. This could be due to an infection in the dog or cat.

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Diarrhea can also be caused by malabsorption, a deficiency of nutrients in the diet.

Also, dogs with diarrhea can be caused by some viruses (eg canine parvovirus, coronavirus, rotavirus).

For example, an infant can have diarrhea while they are breastfed but still have diarrhea because they cannot digest lactose. To know if your dog has a digestive disorder, you can monitor the color of the stool, the amount of stool, the frequency of the dog’s bowel movements.

  • If the dog has black stools, it means that the dog may have bleeding in the stomach or small intestine
  • The dog’s abdomen is erect, and swollen compared to normal, and the dog may have to bloat due to gas accumulation, water accumulation of certain foods when the dog accidentally eats and causes it.

Having Too much to Eat

Surely this is well understood by everyone. Like humans, eating too much or too little also causes stomach diseases, eating fullness not only increases the risk of obesity, choking, even overeating. If eating too much food at a time, the stomach has to contract a lot, it will make us extremely uncomfortable, and so do dogs.

Stuff To Remember: Dogs eating too much in one meal can also cause digestive disorders

  • Dogs with abdominal pain is a manifestation of digestive disorders, the best way to detect it is that the dog has symptoms such as whining, abnormal lying position. The most common causes of digestive problems in dogs and cats are:
  • Dogs with digestive disorders are often caused by food that enters the intestinal tract is not guaranteed as dogs eat: garbage, scraps, food allergies, rancid food that has expired.

Moreover, dogs are animals that can tolerate hunger quite well, so when eating too much food, of course, it will make them uncomfortable, stomach upset, and vomiting begins to appear.

When they do vomit, you must pay attention to their condition, see if they have frequent and persistent vomiting, and also pay attention to the shape of the vomit they vomit, if the vomit is bubbling. and a little sticky, it’s mostly their esophagus that has problems.

If vomiting is continuous, frequent or prolonged, the dog must be taken to a medical facility for examination and treatment.

Chew On Everything

Many people think that only cattle are ruminants, but this phenomenon also occurs in dogs, because they eat mainly swallowing, not chewing thoroughly. So there will be a situation of spitting out the food, then immediately eating it again.

This vomiting is called physiological vomiting, which means it is not caused by a problem like food, poisoning or abnormal health, so you should not be too worried or insecure when you encounter such a situation.

Acute Gastritis: Common Year-Round

The disease is common year-round, often seen in summer when the weather is hot and rainy. There are 3 possible causes of acute gastritis and enteritis in dogs.

  1. Hookworm (Ancylostoma caninum): Hookworms have sharp chitinous hooks that plug into the wall of the small intestine in the duodenum and jejunum to suck blood, creating lesions and bleeding in the intestinal mucosa. Bacteria available in the intestinal mucosa will invade the damaged areas causing acute inflammatory bowel disease.
  2. Viruses: Parvo Virus, Care Virus, when entering the dog’s digestive system, develops rapidly, destroying the lining of the stomach and intestines.IFrame
  3. Bacterial: Dogs eat food and drink containing typhoid bacteria (Salmonella), anaerobic bacteria (Clostridium), E.Coli bacteria… These bacteria will grow in the lining of the digestive tract. cause acute gastritis and enteritis.

Dogs are infected with viruses such as parvovirus or coronavirus, which are usually spread through contact with feces from another infected dog.

  • Bacterial infections such as Campylobacter, Salmonella, E. coli, Clostridia, can be infected through food poisoning and can be transmitted from animals to humans.
  • Parasites and worms in the intestinal tract cause

Dogs with pancreatitis are caused by an inflamed digestive tract, by medication, or by adding too much fat to their meals.

My Dog’s Poop Really Stinks: PASSING STOOLS

The way the dog passes stools is very important in this topic. The pet should poop painlessly, assuming the typical defecation position, tightening only a few times. Typically, you should pass stools twice a day. The frequency of stool excretion is also an individual characteristic, depending, among others, on on the dog’s nutrition or activity.

How To PickUp On Abnormalities

The condition of a dog’s poop is influenced not only by its age or size, but also, above all, by its diet and health. 

  • Dog Poop too often (more than three times a day)
  • Dogs do not poop often enough (less than three times a week)
  • Overexertion when pooping. a pile of red, black, green, yellow, or white. greasy, greasy stools.

Alarming symptoms – what to look for in dog poop?

Alarming should be diarrhea or strong loosening of the stool (not one-time, because it can happen, for example, after eating something forbidden), incorrect color or a strong smell, as well as blood and mucus visible in the poop.

 If your dog is on a meat diet, the color of the buyer should be brown, the darker the more meat in the diet. Its smell should be perceptible, mild to moderate, but not overwhelming – a very smelly poop can be a signal of a poor diet or more serious health problems. 

Interestingly, if the poop is too large, the problem could lie with indigestion or overfeeding your pet

Signs your dog has a digestive disorder

Dogs with digestive disorders have very noticeable symptoms:

  • Loose stools, many loose particles, impurities, mucus, and blood. In the case of worms, worm eggs are found.
  • Dogs are naturally lethargic, refuse to eat or eat poorly, have abdominal pain, are difficult to stay, like to lie down in a corner, the abdomen is distended, and tongue is yellow.
  • The dog has a bowel movement many times or does not see a bowel movement for several days.
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As a healthy dog, it is quite voracious, so just seeing some unusual signs of eating, the owner can easily recognize that his dog has a problem. If you observe more about your dog’s waste, you can predict some of the risks of digestive disorders.

However, the vast majority of digestive disorders are easily treatable diseases if detected in time, on the contrary, if the symptoms are prolonged, the risk of the disease will become severe and completely potentially fatal. especially in juvenile dogs. Congenital cases are quite rare, so don’t worry too much!

Examine Your Dog Poop for The Presence of Parasite

In a dog poop, with the naked eye, we will not notice the eggs of most parasites or protozoa, so “by eye” we are not able to say that the dog is not infected with worms. In this way, we can only observe adult parasites.

Tetrapod owners most often describe them as “noodles”, or dog roundworm, or “rice”, or members of a tapeworm. These are clear signs that your dog needs deworming, preferably with a veterinary consultation.

In order to 100% exclude the possibility of infestation of the dog, it is necessary to examine the feces. This test is designed to exclude the presence of parasites, especially their eggs. A single test is insufficient, therefore several tests should be performed approximately 2-3 weeks apart

The Most Common Fecal Parasites are:

  • Toxocara Canis, toxocaris leonina – roundworms
  • Ancylostoma spp., Unicinaria spp. – hookworms
  • Trichuris vulpis – whipworm
  • Dipylidium caninum – canine tapeworm
  • Giardia lamblia – giardiasis (protozoa)
  • Isospora spp. – coccidia (protozoa)

Remember that deworming a dog is very important!  This is the basic prevention of parasitic diseases in dogs and humans! An adult dog should be dewormed every 3 months, and a puppy according to a specific schedule.

Alternatively, adult dogs may also have a stool test every 3 months and, based on the results obtained, decide to deworm the pet.

My Dog’s Poop Really Stinks: STOOL EXAMINATION

Dog poop allows you to perform a number of tests that are extremely helpful in the diagnosis of diseases. Most of them are easy and inexpensive tests that can be successfully performed in a veterinary office.

Basic stool tests are:

  • Direct smear – this method can be used to assess the color of stool, the presence of fat, blood or elements other than food, e.g. tapeworm members; it also allows to identify the presence of coccidia;
  • Flotation – parasitological test – allows to diagnose the presence of nematode or whipworm eggs;
  • Digestibility test with photographic film or gelatin test – allow to assess the presence of digestive enzymes in the stool, they are performed to diagnose pancreatic disorders; however, these methods are not very reliable;
  • Pap smear – detects the presence of e.g. white blood cells or saprophytic and pathological bacteria;
  • Quick diagnostic tests to detect antigen – very accurate tests, very often used to diagnose diseases such as giardiasis or parvovirosis, which is dangerous for puppies;
  • Fecal Bacterial culture – usually performed in an external laboratory to identify bacteria, e.g. salmonella or drug-resistant E. coli;
  • Fecal occult blood tests – dogs that have been fed meat or supplemented with iron may have a false-positive result;
  • Tests to detect undigested food particles – stool smear with appropriate staining – such a test is performed to diagnose pancreatic disorders, but it is not very reliable.

Dog Poop Smells Extremly Bad: How to treat digestive disorders in dogs

From the time the dog has a digestive disorder to the symptoms that appear, it usually happens within a few days, so it is difficult to detect, so dog owners should pay attention to the dog’s digestive system and the dog’s symptoms. more often.

To prevent the dog from being digested, the dog should eat the right meal, get enough nutrients, eat clean and cooked food, and give the dog regular exercise. When releasing dogs, pay attention not to let them eat junk and play with infected dogs.

Also, deworm dogs and dogs more often. If you find that your dog has a severe digestive disorder with bloody diarrhea, you should bring it to a doctor for examination and treatment.

Note: Do not feed dogs: Candy, chocolate, ice cream…

How to cure digestive disorders in puppies: This Could Save Their Lives

Puppies are a more special case, in addition to the fact that the resistance is completely dependent on the mother dog, when they are born they have not yet opened their eyes, so they cannot distinguish the mother’s breast or other risk sites such as: anus, vagina, other dirty objects.

The problem of suckling puppies receiving postpartum fluid (from the mother dog’s vagina) or feces (from the mother dog’s anus or other puppies), is quite common, but as owners, let’s try to be attentive. Monitoring and cleaning the mother dog regularly, cleaning the parts that the puppies are at risk of contact every 2 hours is a good thing to do.

Newborn puppies need to drink more Biosutin digestive enzyme 2 times a day, about 2-4 drops each time.

Guidelines: Prevention of Digestive Disorders ( Avoid Bad Smell)

Digestive disorders have many causes but it can be said that the vast majority fall into the control of our dog’s eating and living activities.

Medical: must be vaccinated with all necessary vaccinations and repeat after each interval mentioned in the vaccination record. Sterilize your dog if you can’t control their breeding problems because when it comes to mating season they will change behaviors that are not healthy. 

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Pay attention to deworming periodically every 6 months, the deworming cycle may be shorter if the dog’s environment is near many sources of infection.

About food: let’s study the quality and quantity of each dog’s meal by age and breed. Make sure to feed just enough, with the right number of meals, and limit snacking on foods that are too fatty, too sweet or toxic for dogs.

About activities: immediately isolate infected dogs from the herd (if you have many dogs). Pay attention to your dog’s daily exercise to ensure physical development, the immune system is always in a ready state. 

When out, need to muzzle, bathe every 2-4 weeks (unless the dog is dirty, take a bath). Clean the barn regularly, do not let the dirt stagnate even for 1 day.

The Signs that Say ” It’s Time To Head To The VET!!

Dyschezia, i.e. impaired defecation. The feces come out, but the dog has to make an effort to expel it.
Painful pressure on the faeces, unproductive and painful tightening of the abdominal press.

Lack of proper position – the dog defecates without straining, or passes it unconsciously. Faecal incontinence is a symptom of a neurological disorder such as, for example, cauda equina syndrome.

Problems with passing stools can be symptoms of, for example, prostatic hyperplasia in older males, inflammation, cancerous tumors in the intestines or nutritional errors.

Let’s also not forget about foreign bodies that can cause obstruction of the last part of the digestive tract, manifested by a painful urge to stool.

Disturbing signals? Visit a vet to check your pet’s health

In addition to the visual and smell parameters of dog poop, the appearance of visible worms (although parasites, contrary to appearances, are usually invisible and undetectable to the naked eye.

Blood (which may be a sign of internal bleeding in the digestive tract, will be a definitely disturbing symptom that requires a quick visit to the vet, inflammation, tumors, or foreign bodies swallowed by your dog), and mucus, which will usually be associated with colon pathology or the presence of parasites.

To collect dog droppings, it is good to use the most convenient method, i.e. dog poop pouches. Any change can be a sign of trouble, so when you see disturbing signals, it is always worth verifying the problem with your vet, especially when the poop looks completely different than before.

Dogs with Digestive Disorders: Cases For Veterinarians

  • Acute gastroenteritis: Inflammation or infection of the gastrointestinal tract, mainly the stomach and intestines. Acute gastroenteritis is usually caused by eating spoiled or rancid food, high-fat foods, swallowing foreign objects, eating poisonous plants, internal parasites, stress, food allergies or substances Not for use as dog food..
  • Colitis: Colitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the colonic lining. It is usually caused by helminths (a parasite), tumors or polyps, changes in food, allergies (including food), foreign object ingestion, and a number of other illnesses. Colitis is more common in dogs under 5 years of age and causes appendicitis, resulting in diarrhea that may contain mucus and blood.
  • Constipation: The main causes are dogs that do not exercise regularly, dogs become dehydrated and eat non-absorbable materials such as bones or other foreign objects, or foods with very low fiber. 
  • Diarrhea: Caused by dog ​​infections, parasites inside the intestines, stress, changing dog food, junk food or rich snacks, eating spoiled food from garbage, and dysfunction body.
  • Pancreatitis: Inflammation or infection of the pancreas (an elongated sputum, located behind the stomach). The origin is usually unknown. Potential causes are high-fat or high-fat foods, infection, illness, or injury.
  • Outpatient pancreatic deficiency: This is thought to be due to the fact that you put the dog on a weight loss regimen that increases the dog’s appetite due to lack of nutrients and starvation.

Reduced ability of the small intestine to absorb substances: Inflammation of the small intestine impairs the absorption of nutrients and leads to persistent diarrhea, causing weight loss and loss of appetite in dogs.


Any change in the appearance or smell of the stool or a problem with defecation should attract the attention of the dog owner!

Remember that the diagnosis of the causes of disorders can be very short, and the treatment is quick and effective – e.g. diarrhea caused by food disorders will pass after the use of fasting and probiotics.

It happens, however, that the cause of defecation disorders is more serious, and its diagnosis takes a long time and requires specialist examinations (imaging tests, endoscopic examinations, and even gastrointestinal biopsies or laparotomies) and administration of drugs (strong broad-spectrum antibiotics, immunosuppressive drugs). )

If parasites are found, the dog should be treated with appropriate measures adapted to its age, weight, and type of parasite that was detected.

Dog With Stinky Poop: Important points

Let’s not forget that dog poop can be a source of many parasites and pathogenic bacteria that threaten human health, such as echinococcosis or salmonella. Therefore, we should follow all the rules of asepsis and disinfect our hands after each collection of dog poop!

Children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people taking immunosuppressive drugs are the most vulnerable to infection.

When dogs have strange manifestations of the digestive system, what should be done immediately is to stop feeding them for 24 hours to continue monitoring.

However, if the dog continues to be lethargic and weak, the symptoms do not improve but tend to increase, it is imperative that we bring the dog to the hospital for examination immediately.

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