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How to reduce the stress of a domestic parrot?

How to reduce the stress of a domestic parrot? - My animals


How to reduce the stress of a domestic parrot?

Your desire to relieve stress in your domestic parrot is the first step in solving this problem. Even so, it can be difficult to determine the exact cause of a bird’s sadness or stress.

For that reason, Consider working with a veterinarian or bird trainer: He can have enough information to provide relief to the bird more quickly.

What are the most frequent signs of stress in a domestic parrot?

  • Excessive vocalization: they can be repetitive screams and squeaks or alarm calls.
  • Self-harm: destruction of feathers and stereotypical behaviors such as shaking the head or constantly swinging from side to side.
  • Excessive sleep or be withdrawn, fearful or cowardly.
  • Aggressive behavior: aggression against people and other birds. Hit or bite on the cage bars.
  • Other signs: hissing, panting, wearing a fan-shaped tail, wings away from the body or raised head feathers can also be signs of stress.
  • increase of the respiratory frequence: You can take a breath or breath with your mouth open.
  • Territorial behavior

Can stress be prevented in the domestic parrot?

Although it is possible that stress cannot be completely prevented, It is best to pay attention to the bird’s signals. The key points are to avoid – if possible – sudden changes in your lifestyle. To achieve this goal, it is vital to know the general sensibilities of the bird before making changes.

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The location of the cage, nothing trivial topic

Ideally, the cage of a domestic parrot It should be placed in an area of ​​the room that gives the bird a view of its surroundings.

The location must also allow a section of the cage to be removed and have privacy, that is, against a wall or in a corner of the room.

In the case of extremely shy birds, one side of the cage must be partially covered with a towel or blanket, which serves to create a retreat area. In any case, the main thing is to avoid placing the cage in the center of the room, on the floor or in areas of heavy traffic or very noisy.

A domestic parrot needs its routines

It is important to maintain a constant routine of cleaning, feeding and socialization by their caregivers. It should be noted – although it seems obvious – that The cage of your domestic parrot should always be covered at night.

Be sure to provide a friendly treatment

It is important to keep in mind that birds, being animals of prey, are often startled by sudden movements and loud noises. So, It is pertinent to approach the birds calmly and speak in soft tones.

  • Move slowly. If your bird attacks you because it is afraid or nervous, moving away quickly can agitate it even more.
  • Use a stick to train it. If your domestic parrot does not like to be manipulated, but you want to help him be more social, you have to offer him a stick or a stick instead of your hand.
  • Don’t scare him. Try not to stare at him, or peek into his cage suddenly, avoid manipulating your bird while wearing hats or gloves.
  • Other unwanted objects. Some birds get scared with brooms or hoses, or with boxes or other unknown objects that move around them.
Face of a parrot

It is a good idea to provide socialization and enrichment activities

Do not neglect the entertainment. Challenge your bird with stimulating toys, a television to watch, a radio to listen to or something exciting that keeps your interest.

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Also, your bird can benefit from a little more attention if you give it more time out of his cage. During this time you can exercise and socialize. Of course the area must be safe and escape proof.

As flock animals, birds enjoy and are often comforted by the company. Without a doubt, they live better in pairs. These birds should not be left alone unless it is for medical reasons.

The emotional intelligence, cognitive ability and wild condition of companion parrots makes environmental enrichment for parrots vital. Read more “

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