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Cause and symptoms – Types | Facts |Origin | Treatment

Cause and symptoms – Types | Facts |Origin | Treatment

Animal diseases

Cause and symptoms – Types | Facts |Origin | Treatment

Scabies encompasses all diseases caused by mites that feed on the skin. In general, this disease is highly contagious and causes very strong itching in patients.

Types of scabies

There are different classifications of scabies, according to the person responsible for this. The types of scabies are briefly described below:

Otodic Scabies

Frequently called ear scabies. This type of scabies is seen more in cats than in dogs. When it is found in dogs, they usually come from places like hatcheries or stores with poor hygiene.

Sarcoptic mange

This disease is mainly characterized by being one of the most itchy. The responsible mite belongs to the genus Sarcoptes. Although it can affect all species of mammals, it is found more frequently in dogs.


The person responsible is a parasite belonging to the species Cheyletiella Yasguri. This microscopic mite has a characteristic reddish color and can be easily spread between dogs and cats. The advantage is that the treatment is simple and is usually eliminated without further complications.

Demodectic or demodectic mange

The responsible mite is a common inhabitant of dogs’ skin, although it may also be in cats. The form of transmission is very specific and will be discussed below.

Demodectic mange: responsible

This disease is caused by mites belonging to the genus Demodex and, as we have already mentioned, cases of demodectic mange have been observed in both dogs and cats.

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It is contagious?

This disease is not considered contagious. It is a self-limiting disease present in puppies. Once the puppy grows, it develops immunity to the mites and stops manifesting the symptoms of scabies.

In addition, it is rare that mites can spread to other pets in the home, as long as the pet does not suffer from immunodeficiency. This mange will also not affect humans, while other types of mange do affect, such as sarcoptic mange.


The transmission path is very particular. Mothers transmit this microscopic mite to the pups after childbirth. Specifically, during the period of breastfeeding.

This mite is usually located in the skin of dogs and does not usually cause problems. Nevertheless, The disease occurs when the mite begins to multiply without control.

The increase in the number of mites causes the destruction of the dog’s hair roots. Likewise, Causes itching or itching.

Scabies tends to manifest in puppies under 18 months. However, also It has been observed in adult dogs, as they usually have a weakened immune system.


This disease is usually characterized by intense itching. However, in this type of scabies there may or may not be itching.

Normally, the lesions begin in areas of fine hair, such as the eye contour or mouth. On the other hand, you can also lose patches of hair on the limbs or on the trunk.

The disease can be localized or general. If it is general, animals lose patches of hair of a considerable size in different areas of the body.

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Other notable symptoms are reddish and scaly skin in hairless regions or the bad smell they give off. On the other hand, the development of secondary infections causes pain, while desquamation and appearance of bald spots are observed as the disease progressively progresses.


When the physician has performed the appropriate tests, such as the search for mites, the diagnosis is confirmed. Subsequently, the most appropriate medication for each case will be prescribed. Depending on whether the extent of the disease has been localized or generalized, it will act differently:

Localized scabies

In this circumstance, the problem resolves itself within a few weeks or months. The puppy develops resistance against the mite and the clinical symptoms disappear. Therefore, it does not require treatment.

Generalized Scabies

On the other hand, if scabies is widespread, it must act differently. Treatment may vary depending on the type of medication that the physician prescribes.

Medications can be administered directly on the skin or orally. In the first step it can be prescribed as an ointment.

It will be the doctor who decides the type of treatment. Despite this, it should be mentioned that this therapy involves a treatment of several months. It is a long process, because when mites are no longer found in the skin, treatment continues another month, preventively.


The disease is not contagious. The main affected by this disease are dog puppies, but this condition has also been observed in cats.

You can prevent and treat scabies in dogs with very good results if proper treatment is performed. Find out more in this post. Read more “

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