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Bunnies as Pets Pros and Cons – 1 Reason You Hate The Most

Bunnies as Pets Pros and Cons - 1 Reason You Hate The Most


Bunnies as Pets Pros and Cons – 1 Reason You Hate The Most

find out the main reason you should have and not have one (Bunnies as Pets Pros and Cons) – Rabbits really are one of the best pets you can take home. They are very charming, cute, sensitive and fragile. Well, then let’s see what needs to be done to get a rabbit home.

Did you find Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny very cute? And you plan to keep rabbits as pets, because they are charming companions? Or are you just planning to take rabbits as pets for children? Well, then you should know a lot about rabbits. There are many types of rabbits that are good as pets, however you should always consider the details about rabbits as pets, their pros and cons.

Bunnies as Pets Pros and Cons

How To Care For Your Bunnie?

Keeping rabbits as pets is really good, as they are cute, funny and amazing animals. We should be familiar with all the facts about rabbits to get to know them better. Rabbits look more like rodents, but they have an extra pair of incisors in the upper jaw, as well as some structural differences, which makes them different from rodents. There are many favorite breeds of rabbits, such as mini Rex rabbits, Himalayan rabbits, chinchillas, American rabbits. The Flemish giant rabbits as pets are also good, as they are very calm and require less time for grooming.

The content of dwarf rabbits as pets depends on the person, as there are many pros and cons. However, it is undesirable to keep wild rabbits as pets, especially British small rabbits, as they have a wild temperament and, therefore, are not suitable for keeping indoors. Rabbits have a lifespan of ten to fifteen years, depending on their breed. According to the Guinness Book of Records, the oldest rabbit lived up to 18 years. There are about 25 species of rabbits, they usually weigh from 1 to 9 kg. The most fascinating qualities of a rabbit are that he can see 360 ​​degrees without even turning his head.


Rabbits usually need a lot of time to learn and adapt to their surroundings. They need a sense of security, so choose the best place to keep your sweet little bunny. You can make a cage out of wire or buy ready-made cages at any pet store, using a soft cozy blanket for comfort and warmth so that the rabbit can sit on it, and also try to make a litter box in the cage. Choose cells that are large in size, it should be 4 times larger than the rabbit and large enough for the rabbit to move freely.

If you have more than one rabbit, make sure the cage is even bigger with enough light and ventilation. The cage becomes the rabbit’s own home, where he/she eats, sleeps and just climbs. If possible, try to create a natural environment for the rabbit in your garden, on the terrace or lawn, so that the rabbit is more comfortable. You do not have to keep the rabbit closed inside the cage all the time, as this is bad for the rabbit’s health. The rabbit must move freely around the house, play, and never keep the cage closed.

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Bunnie’s Diet

Bunnie's Diet

A typical rabbit diet should consist of all the vital nutrients necessary for a healthy rabbit. Rabbits have a very sensitive gastrointestinal tract, so do not feed the rabbit all in a row. Healthy eating your rabbit provides a long life, so do not limit your rabbit to only carrots, like Bagza Bunny. Each meal should consist of dry and fresh hay, straw, oats, or at least 2 vegetables, such as cabbage, celery, green pepper, parsley, radish tops, spinach, and wheat grass. Fruits such as apple, melon, orange, peach, pear, plum, strawberry and raspberry can also be given to rabbits. Do not give sweets and sweet fruits. Do not feed the rabbit with processed and ready-made products available on the market, as they contain a lot of starch and,

Rabbits under the age of 3 weeks should be fed only with mother’s milk, other food can be given from 3 weeks together with mother’s milk, but only hay, granules and vegetables can be served after the rabbit is 2 months old. Remember a very important thing: if you see that your rabbit secretes a lot of soft granules, it means that part of the grass eaten by the rabbit goes to the gastrointestinal tract, and this grass later turns into small granules, soft and filled with nutrients. These soft granules are known as cecotropes, they are easily absorbed by the body and contain fatty acids, vitamins and amino acids, which is very important for the welfare of the rabbit.

Manageability and safety

Rabbit care includes proper handling and safety of the rabbit. Rabbits should be kept with care, as they are very tender and sensitive, it is not like stuffing a rabbit. Rabbits should be outdoors for some time, but when you are not around, take them into the house, because for many reasons your rabbit may not be safe. Strong sunlight, poisonous plants, predators such as raccoons, coyotes, hawks, cats or dogs can be targeted to small rabbits.

Do not forget to put away all the wires and cables, as rabbits, as a rule, chew everything they find in order to shorten their growing teeth. Also, shorten your claws regularly, as they may simply scratch your precious furniture. All of these factors are very important to ensure proper care for your pet rabbit.

Bunnie’s Game and exercises

Rabbits are known to be very capricious compared to other animals, so you should be aware of your rabbit’s mood swings, which occur quite often. Rabbits love to run, so let him run around the house or in the garden. Give the rabbit toys, do not make him play when he does not want. Be careful when handling the rabbit as it may get out of control.

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Rabbits usually breed at a very early age of three to four months, and the gestation period is about 31 days. The female has two cervix and two uterus instead of one, which means that they have ovulation cycles. They breed eight times a year and give birth to four to twelve baby rabbits. The female can even give birth to twenty-four small rabbits. It is very important to remove the ovaries from a female at the age of six months and castrate the male when he reaches five months. This control of hormones in the rabbit and leads to the fact that the rabbit will be calm and obedient. This will also control the number of rabbits, and reduce the number of diseases. Remember to care for the rabbit after the operation, as they feel a little different and depressed.

Bunnie’s Health

The health of your rabbit is as important as your health, so always carry out regular health checks of the rabbit at the vet so that you can get the necessary inoculations you will need. Rabbits can also suffer from various diseases, which include skin problems, bladder stones, poisoning, infections of the eyes, ear, nasal infections, cardiovascular diseases, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, bacterial infections, hair rolling, etc.  Therefore, it is very important to maintain proper hygiene and take proper care of the rabbit.

Now that you have all the necessary information about what constitutes rabbits as pets, you should be ready to choose a name for the rabbit. Rabbits, like humans, have similar feelings and emotions, so try to understand the animal before you take it home so you are the best buddies.

Advantages and disadvantages of having a Bunnie

Advantages and disadvantages of having a Bunnie

You want to have a pet, but do not think you will have the ability to take care of a dog or a cat? Many people turn to a rabbit and think it is a low-responsibility animal. Although it is true that you will not need to walk them in the same way as dogs, they need a lot of care and affection. It would be irresponsible to think that you could have a rabbit as a pet and only spend time with them when you want it. Rabbits can provide a wonderful company to humans, but no animal can fit everyone’s lifestyle. To help you decide if you want to adopt a rabbit in your home, this article examines the advantages and disadvantages of having a rabbit.

Advantage: rabbits are docile and easy going

When rabbits are well cared for and integrated into the family, they can be very friendly animals. By accustoming them from an early age to be in contact with humans and other animals, the rabbit must behave and naturally appreciate the company. In this way, they can really become a family member.

Rabbits are docile in temperament and can be faithful companions. They are especially good with children who spend a lot of time at home and they can create a strong emotional connection with them. Rabbits also have the ability to adapt to different environments, both indoors and outdoors. Rabbits have different needs. Sometimes they want to spend time alone and other times they want to socialize with people and want to interact. With rabbits as pets, it’s about finding a happy medium.

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Advantage: Many races and personalities

One of the benefits of having a rabbit as a pet is the variety of breeds and styles available in terms of pets. Although most of us are aware of different breeds of dogs and cats, we are not as likely to be aware of the diversity of rabbit breeds. Although each rabbit is an individual, many of these breeds share certain traits and characteristics in terms of appearance and temperament.

If you have the opportunity to adopt a rabbit, you should first consider the characteristics of each breed and see which one is best for you and your lifestyle. The practical environmental considerations you can provide are important, especially if you find a larger rabbit breed.

Advantage: obedience and cleanliness

Although it may seem unlikely, rabbits can be trained and will even be able to understand certain orders. The obedience they learn will not necessarily be as advanced as that which can be taught to a dog, but these small mammals are much smarter than many believe. The tips you can teach them are basic, but they are fun and can really help to provide positive stimulation for the rabbit.
As far as hygiene is concerned, rabbits are clean animals. They love to wash their clothes all day long and are happy to do so with their hen comrades. Although they may sometimes seem uncoordinated, they are actually well disciplined. It is rare that a rabbit is depressed for no apparent reason. However, if their human companions neglect and do not clean their cage, they will be negatively affected and stressed. Moreover, a two-story rabbit cage is always good for great freedom of movement.

Disadvantage Of Having a Bunnie

Disadvantage Of Having a Bunnie

Destructive and messy

When we say destructive, we do not mean that rabbits are maniac creatures that will destroy everything in sight. The problem is that they love to bite anything and everything: laces, fabrics, plastic toys, electrical cables, etc. In this way, they can be like dogs that would do anything to have a try on your slippers. This is partly because they have teeth that are constantly growing. They need to chew hard objects to wear them.

It is also to say that the rabbits are a little disordered. For example, when they eat, it is not uncommon for them to spread food all over the floor. They are specialists and disperse food in homes and gardens.

This aspect of the character of a rabbit is quite understandable because rabbits do not have to pay much attention to order when they are in their natural habitat. If you are someone who maintains a meticulous home, you will need to consider this aspect.


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