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I Am Deeply Worried – Cat Not Eating Much But Acting Normal

I Am Deeply Worried - Cat Not Eating Much But Acting Normal

Animal care

I Am Deeply Worried – Cat Not Eating Much But Acting Normal

Cat Not Eating Much But Acting Normal – There are cases when a cat does not eat or drink, and there are no special reasons for that. In medicine, this concept is called anorexia: then the cat does not eat and loses appetite. Appetite is a psychological phenomenon, and in many respects, it is determined by associations and memories. If we compare appetite and hunger, then the latter, in contrast, has a physiological origin.

Causes of loss of appetite In Cats

The reasons that the kitten does not eat anything, maybe a lot. Often, a lack of appetite becomes the first sign of illness. Often these are diseases of the digestive system or other vital organs. It so happens that the factor of loss of appetite becomes severe pain.

Often, lack of appetite is associated with the first heat of the cat. Then she begins to get acquainted with new desires, which often leads to some confusion. In this case, everything should return to normal in a few days, and you should not worry about it.

Also, if the kitten does not eat, then such symptoms may be a manifestation of infectious and neurological diseases and invasions (worms). Whatever it was, but the use of special drugs against parasites need every cat, even for preventive purposes.

If, together with loss of appetite, one can notice vomiting in a cat, then these are clear signs of wool accumulating in the animal’s stomach. She gets into the intestines in the process of how the cat licks itself, and this is especially true for long-haired breeds. It is better to use a special tool in the form of a paste, which is the prevention of accumulation of wool in the body.

Diseases that cause loss of appetite in a cat:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver disease;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • blood diseases;
  • diseases of the throat, nose, eyes, mouth.
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But do not immediately sound the alarm, as there may be other, less dangerous causes of a sharp decline in the appetite of the cat. For example, she just might not like the new food, or you changed your place of residence, which became a strong stress for the animal. But in any case, regardless of the reasons, if the cat does not eat anything for more than a day, then it can be harmful to her body.

How to deal with the problem

If your cat does not eat, then you need to know what to do in this situation. Since the causes of loss of appetite can be many, it is better to contact the veterinarian, who will conduct a qualitative diagnosis, and help determine why this happens. It includes the following actions:

  • comprehensive examination: examination of the oral cavity, listening to an animal, probing the abdominal cavity, assessing the weight of a cat and checking body temperature;
  • complete blood count and urine test, which helps to identify hidden diseases of the organs of the animal;
  • x-ray of the chest and abdominal area;
  • stool analysis to help detect the presence of parasites.

After making the correct diagnosis, the specialist prescribes a specific or supportive treatment.

The essence of specific treatment is to eliminate the causes that led to the problem. These are, for example, the prescription of antibiotics to fight an infection or surgery in the event that there is a foreign body in the cat’s body.

Supportive treatment also helps maintain the state of a weakened animal. This, for example, subcutaneous or infusion therapy, which helps to stimulate the cat’s appetite.

Help at home

If your cat does not eat, then you can help her yourself, if the reasons for the lack of appetite are already established. First you need to conduct a thorough inspection of the animal, and you may find symptoms of a different nature. Then you need to go to the vet, and, the earlier, the better.

In order to prevent dehydration of the feline body, you can use special preparations, however, this can be done only after consulting a specialist.

If the kitten does not drink water and completely refuses to eat, then you can increase the feeling of hunger by applying the time-tested technique. You just need to warm up the food so that its aroma intensifies, and after feeding the pet with hands.

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Heated food is also important not to overdo it, because too hot food can burn the cat or provoke irritation of the gastrointestinal tract.

It happens that the cat does not eat, and the vet prescribes a special diet for him. Often the animal refuses food at the very beginning. In order to prevent the cat from losing its appetite, it is necessary to mix the new food with the one it used before. Then the probability that the animal will accept a modified diet with pleasure increases significantly.

Also, you should pay attention to vaccinating your cat, even if she is completely healthy. This significantly reduces the risk of developing problems such as if the cat does not eat, or the kitten does not eat, and various diseases, including those that are transmitted to humans.

Vaccination is a must.

If the kitten does not drink water, then you should gently but firmly pour some food and water into it. Here may be useful baby formula. The mixture should be poured into the cat in the amount of ten grams every two to three hours. She should eat about 70-80 grams of food. This is half the normal daily ration of the animal.

Pay attention to the chair: if the cat has problems with defecation, then it is better to increase the feeding dose. Experts advise to pour in the pet as much as possible of clean water.

What to do if the kitten does not want to drink

If the kitten does not drink water, then the reasons for this may also be very different, for example, insufficient cleanliness of the bowl or the liquid itself. Cats are fastidious creatures, and they are unlikely to eat or drink from unclean dishes. Rinse the water bowl every day, scald it with boiling water and completely replace its contents.

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In addition, the kitten may not like the bowl itself, intended for drinking water, or the place where it is located. The best option is a special ceramic bowl or even an ordinary human saucer. You can use bowls made of metal or plastic, however, not all cats love them.

The container should be placed in the most comfortable place for the animal near the bowl with food. It is important that there is always cleanness around her, there was no unpleasant smell and poured spills – all this contributes to the loss of interest of the kitten to drink.

If you have already taken all the necessary measures, however, the kitten still drinks very little, then try artificially increasing its interest in some water. For example, you can place several bowls of water in the house, preferably in those places where the kitten is most often.

Many cats are attracted by exceptionally bright, unusual and interesting bowls. Such devices as fountain drinkers can also be useful.

Of course, no one better than a qualified specialist can help your cat in this situation. The earlier you go to him, the greater the chances of an animal for a successful recovery and the return of normal appetite. The doctor will conduct all the necessary tests, and prescribe the correct treatment.

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