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Pyotraumatic Dermatitis -Causes | Symptoms | Remedies

hot spots dogs


Pyotraumatic Dermatitis -Causes | Symptoms | Remedies

When we talk about hot spots in dogs we refer to an annoying inflammation of the skin also called pyotraumatic dermatitis: this is what it consists of and how to cure it.

hot spots dogs
Hot spot problems in dogs (Adobe Stock Photo)

The hot spot, also known as pyotraumatic dermatitis, is a particularly widespread problem in dogs, especially during the hottest months of the year: it manifests itself with showy and well-defined red patches on the skin, real lesions that trigger a very annoying itch in the dog which is forced to scratch so hard as to cause sores in the skin.

Usually, from the outside there is a wet and smelly spot on Fido’s body: the area in which the hot spot is formed will be not only red and itchy, but also painful and smelly. Usually, inflammation causes pus to spill and also hair fall in the affected area.

But what are the causes hot spots in dogs? How is it possible treat Piotraumatic dermatitis in Fido? Let’s find out together in this article.

Pyotraumatic dermatitis: where the hot spot in dogs comes from

dog dermatitis
Dog dermatitis injury (Adobe Stock Photo)

As anticipated, the problem of hot spots in dogs it is particularly common in the summer, when the warmer temperatures associated with the dog’s thick coat make skin perspiration particularly difficult. Obviously the heat can make the situation worse, but it is not the triggering cause of pyotraumatic dermatitis: this skin disease can be caused by flea allergies, a bacterial infection, poor hygiene conditions, the advanced age of Fido, etc.

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Most frequent causes

Hot spots represent a symptom visible of pyotraumatic dermatitis: these red and purulent spots are in fact the result of the continuous scratches, bites and licks that the dog procures himself to try to alleviate the itching and pain that the infection entails.

By scratching the dog, he gets a real one trauma to the skin: moreover, the hair traps the humidity coming from the continuous licking and creates the most suitable environment for the proliferation of a particular bacterial infection, the one to Staphylococcus intermedius. The infection aggravates redness and causes the formation of hot sot.

How to cure hot spot injuries in dogs

Natural remedies and tips (Pixabay photo)

When you can glimpse the hot spot injury the time to intervene has surely come between the dog’s hair: usually, the area appears strongly red, oily and covered with small dots. Once the lesion has been identified, the best way to cure the problem is to follow the following steps:

  1. Try to shorten the fur as much as possible in the hot spot area, being careful not to pull to avoid further irritating Fido’s skin.
    2. Gently wash the affected area with one lukewarm water and witch hazel solution, a plant available in herbal medicine with anti-inflammatory properties that will reduce the healing time of the lesion.
    3. Make sure the dog do not lick the wound or scratch it: this will help prevent the spread of the infection.
    4. Take the dog to the vet for identify the underlying cause and properly treat your 4-legged friend.
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Natural remedies and advice against pyotraumatic dermatitis

When a dog suffers from hot spots it is important to adjust his supply with an integration of flax seeds, fish oil and foods rich in Omega3 fatty acids. Even a spoonful of olive oil, to be added to the bowl every day, can help against itching and is a natural remedy useful with a thousand beneficial properties, which you can learn more about in our article on benefits of olive oil for dogs.

Even some essential oils they can be helpful in curing hot spot problems in dogs: eucalyptus and menthol, for example, perform a soothing and anti-inflammatory action, apart from using them very sparingly and carefully. In no case should natural remedies be used on the dog without first seeking the advice of the veterinarian.

Finally, it is not recommended to use hydrogen peroxide to disinfect the lesion of Fido’s skin: this disinfectant is not suitable and could slow down healing times.
Also pay attention to the dog shampoo you will use to bathe in Fido: choose a delicate and specific product.

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